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PoshPuss's Avatar
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18-08-2010, 10:29 AM   #1

Wednesday woes

Well, still no eating or drinking or miaows from Posh to we went off to the vet this morning. More on that on the health thread coz I didn't want to take over the non-cat chat bit

Now we have this dilemma; we have to go to a wedding in Plymouth on Friday. Plan A was to go down early tomorrow and help the bride prepare (and get a girly night into the bargain) but it all depends on Madame now. Plan B is to miss an early start, go late in the day/evening, if Posh is eating&drinking. Plan C. To postpone visit and miss wedding if Posh needs surgery.

So, I'm playing a waiting game. My parents are on hand here at home to nurse if needs be.

Sorry the thread has a cheerless title , hope you don't have any woes today.

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18-08-2010, 11:21 AM   #2

Re: Wednesday woes

Will go read the other thread.

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18-08-2010, 11:21 AM   #3

Re: Wednesday woes

So sorry PP - I've replied in the health thread.

Another of those sort of watercolour days at the beginning - very lovely blue skies and dare I say, a bit autumnal, first thing but now the clouds are building and rain is forecast. I have my very large and thick mattress cover out on the line and just hope it will dry before rain comes. We call it "behemoth" - it's custom made for our new extra large bed and only just fits in the washing machine and tumbler.

Harley is staying away for longer and longer periods of time. The night before last, he was on the bed with us most of the night, then he went out and apart from food visits twice a day (ish) he is staying out - or he has another home somewhere else. He is in a dirty state this morning, looks as if he's been rolling about in sooty stuff and he has a gash on his nose. I haven't been able to get hold of him to wash his nose yet.

Yet again, I have loads of urgent transcription to work on so I shall be kept out of trouble today. No gym because my car is in for service/MOT, so work is a very good thing.

I will arm OH with a tomato and chilli relish recipe - he does like doing things like that and it should keep him out of mischief too!

Grocery delivery between now and 1.00 - with necessary things for making relish, such as red wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar. There may be nice aromas coming from the kitchen later.

I really do have my toes crossed for Posh as I can't type with crossed fingers! I really hope you don't have to cancel your plans Nette.

Have a good day everyone.

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18-08-2010, 11:51 AM   #4

Re: Wednesday woes

Right read that and back now Ouch to Posh. Hope you don't have to miss the wedding.

Anyhow plans to return to work went well yesterday, got to see the Doc on Tuesday hope to be back Wed....part time hours next week Wed - Fri 5 hours a day. Then week after 20 hours a week the same the week after. Then full time for a few weeks and a weeks holiday mid Oct. Feel good/excellent kinda glad I didn't go back last month, think couple of weeks of feeling better before returning was right.

Someone by me has got a Rottie, and they let it in the front garden (ground floor flat) it has a nice 6ft high wall/metal fence round it but only a small gate about mid thigh height., the Rottie had a charge at the gate at me and Sal the other day, first time I have seen it - although his owner took him straight in, it did unnerve me., I've not been walking that far/way until recently, so assume they have either just moved in or recently got the dog, have not seen it as a pup there and he is about 2-3 a really powerful male Rottie.
I have since bumped into a few of the regular dog walkers who have started to avoid going past the front of the property due to the dog; me included now.

Well this morning taking Sal out I was told by a fellow walker it appears the Rottie has got over the fence or out somehow and attacked a Westie being walked by a lady. Rottie had to be pried off by neighbours with a spade and broom, and Westie put in a passing ladies shopping trolly, to get Rottie off.
Apparently the Westie (who is never ever off lead) was screaming, and his owner taken to hopital in ambulance....from what I am told owner of Rottie not present....I know the lady owner of the Westie had a heart attack couple of years ago and retired from work as a teacher.

Having late lunch with a friend today meeting her after work at 3.15 then aqua aerobics tonight.

Have a good day all

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18-08-2010, 12:28 PM   #5

Re: Wednesday woes

Afternoon everyone.
The Rottie incident sounds awful Kazz, hope the little Westie is ok and the people with the Rottie take more care with garden security.
Earlier this year my BIL wa swalking his new King charles pup past a gate in the village. The big dog that lived there got out through a broken fence panel and attacked Amber, ripping into her abdomen. She needed an operation and the owners very reluctantly paid for it but insisted they weren't responsible. Needless to say i always cross the road near that house and keep a watchful eye out for the dog.

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18-08-2010, 04:35 PM   #6

Re: Wednesday woes

Will read Posh's thread after this, PP. Kazz, horrible about that rottie attack; I find them very scary dogs.

Horrible weather here, all day soaking rain and turned much cooler, 19 C (67 F), quite a change from yesterday. Jeans and tee instead of shorts and tank, bedroom slippers as my feet are cold Leia went on the porch, looked around and promptly came back in to nap inside.

Hope to see yo at the quiz tonight!

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18-08-2010, 06:13 PM   #7

Re: Wednesday woes

Hope to join in the quiz at around 8.15 tonight after yoga

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18-08-2010, 07:10 PM   #8

Re: Wednesday woes

HI! Good news Posh is coming round a bit and showing mild interest in food and life around her. She ate from the bowl at 5pm some of the Hills pate food and has drunk from her bowl. She's walked around outside and gave a few weak mews earlier.

I feel happier about going away tomorrow and as my mam will look after her well (spoil her!) I know she'll be fine. Mam has taken her to my vet before and will make sure she has a check up on Friday as arranged. PHEW!

Kazz, that is truly awful about that poor Westie. The rottie owner will be in big trouble if that was my dog.
Angie, Harley is a bit of a bad-lad isn't he I think he's playing off two houses!
Eileen will try and make the quiz tonight.
Oh, and Kazz pea pods coz I scooted her away from the plants on Monday

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18-08-2010, 08:08 PM   #9

Re: Wednesday woes

hi all, 66 degrees and overcast. it's supposed to be a cooling off spell now and maybe even some rain by the weekend.
hestia's eyes seem to be watering and there was a bit of mucuous i cleared from them this morning. will keep an eye on that and make sure it doesn't progress.
k disconnected the stereo last night so ever so hopeful the problem will be fixed and my car will start today. still haven't gone to that store. i swear he likes to drive me crazy arguing about where we need to go and what can wait when i'm without a car. i'll be going off on my own if i can. don't know why he hems and haws about going two miles down the street so i can pop in for a few minutes...men! sometimes i think he just does things like this to drive me mad
have picked out three new cat trees for the kittys once this settlement money comes in (no word yet when the funds will actually be physically in hand which is kind of annoying..why tell me i won and then take your sweet time issuing the check?). i know it's a bit over the top but i've always wanted brand new, cute cat furniture. i get more excited about it than furniture for myself. could care less what kind of couch we sit on but if the cats have a nice smart looking piece of furniture to climb i am a happy woman. sure is funny that way i'm going to be disciplined though and only spend a small percentage on fun things for the cats and ferrets and maybe even some new clothes that fit properly. the rest will go into savings.
hope you all have a good one and enjoy the day

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