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JBalways2000's Avatar
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15-03-2010, 08:32 PM   #1

Raven has Kidney failure :(

Ive barely stopped crying all day because the vet has been very honest and told us that Raven has less then 50% chance of surviving

As you all know from my other thread he hadnt been eating and we assumed he was still ill from the antibiotics. We were very worried about him yesterday and nearly brought him to the emergency vets but i think one of the things that stopped us was because the vets had said he was well enough to go home only the day before and we thought we were over worrying again.

We got to the vets for opening time and when we were(finally) seen, the vet was very worried because he had a blockage again the vet didnt even think he would make it through the aneasthetic for the catherter but he proved him wrong.

He is now on a drip and we went back up this evening and spent an hour sitting with him but he barely moved the whole time we were there it gave us a little hope when the vet came to get him and picked him up and he gave out an almighty whine and gripped onto the blanket pulling it with him-so it seems a little of the old Raven is still there!

We are both pretty much in bits at the moment but we are trying to stay positive for him because i refuse to give up on my little guy-he is my baby and my little soul mate and i will not let those negative thoughts stay in my mind for long because hes obviously a fighter.

I just wanted to ask if anyone has some happy ending stories to give us a little more hope this evening. I would also really really appreciate alot of luck and healing vibes being sent Ravens way. I cant and will not lose my boy.

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Elaine's Avatar
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15-03-2010, 08:45 PM   #2

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

Ok, first off is the kidney failure chronic or acute?
Are you sure your vet said a 50% chance of survival or 50% of kidney function has been lost?
I know you are very upset right now but try to take a little time to breathe and relax.
CRF is not usually an imediate death sentence although many UK vets talk like it is. To be realistic though, there is no cure, it is a progressive illness but that doesnt mean that, with a good diet and meds, he wont be here for some time to come.
Some cats can live comfortably with CRF for several years, sadly some dont cope quite as well.
But for the moment, I'd advise that you get all your emotions out in the open, let it go then find out exactly what you are up against, what treatments your vet can offer, did he offer any?
Here are a few links that may help you understand a bit more and if you want to chat or ask anything, just shout.

Sending you and Raven loads of best wishes and possitive vibes xxx

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15-03-2010, 08:51 PM   #3

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

I do so feel for you both.

Obviously your wee guy is very ill, but also he has proven what a little fighter he is. I think vets have to tell you almost worst case scenario to prepare you for what might happen.

I have all fingers and toes crossed for you.

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JBalways2000's Avatar
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15-03-2010, 09:10 PM   #4

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

Unfortunately he did say less then 50% survival He said that he wanted to be honest with us because he was very worried about him. I could tell that he felt bad saying it because he was having me in tears, but he did also say that if he thought there was 0% chance he would tell us that and advise pts, so less then 50% chance is a hell of alot better then 0%.

With regards to treatment he basically said he will be kept on a drip tonight and obviously the catherter to moniter how much urine is going through, and he also gave diuretics just before we left him. One of the things the vet was so concerned about was that he had had a whole bag of fluids today with hardly any urine output because of how badly his kidneys are functioning. He said that he will keep an eye on him this evening and just before he goes to bed he will check on him and if he isnt doing well he will administer treatment(though i didnt ask what, i was trying my hardest not to cry and keep my head about me so i could ask all the questions i had) He told us that if he is still with us in the morning then obviously things will be looking up for him and he will have us in to discuss a treatment plan, but im guessing he didnt want to get our hopes up by discussing that tonight.

They still didnt have the results back from the urine test that was sent off on friday so we still dont know for sure what has been causing the blockages in the first place. Vet said its a good chance it is the struvite crystals again though. The vet also said that there is a chance the kidneys may have started to be effected as early as the first blockage on thursday.

Alot of the things he said were very hard to take but i do appreciate his honesty and he was being very kind. I do trust the vet that is taking care of him and he was very concerned and worried for Raven, as were the nurses. I actually hated how nice everyone was being because i knew it meant they were thinking the worst! but as i said, i am refusing to give up on my boy. I know him better then they do, and although they are the experts, i know that he is a fighter.

Thankyou very much for your reply, im going to check out those links now too.

We did just have another good cry together after having to explain it all to our mums(doesnt matter what age you are there are always going to be times when you need to have a cry on your mums shoulder! they are also very worried and praying for and thinking about Raven, despite neither of them being animal lovers!) but we are just going to try and keep ourselves distracted this evening and get the night over as soon as possible, and maybe have a cuddle or ten with the other boys. Animals truely do amaze me, my other three definately know something is up and they have been very quiet and acting strange since Thursday when all this started. They are obviously missing their grumpy brother just as much as we are.

Sorry for rambling again, It does help having a place like this to get it all out aswell with people who know what we are going through and who care so thankyou all who have offered well wishes and advice in my other thread too, it means alot.

Oh, and Raven is the gorgeous cheeky boy in my avatar

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15-03-2010, 09:21 PM   #5

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

Having re-read your posts, this linnk may be the most apropriate at this time.
Have absolutely everything crossed for a good outcome for Raven and will be thinking of you all. xxx

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15-03-2010, 09:41 PM   #6

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

Sending you hugs and lots of healing vibes to Raven.XX

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angieh's Avatar
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15-03-2010, 10:17 PM   #7

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

So sorry to hear this news JB. Loads of healing vibes for Raven and ((((HUGS)))) for you.

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15-03-2010, 10:19 PM   #8

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

Healing vibes here too; words are so inadequate at times like this.... (((hugs)))

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15-03-2010, 10:23 PM   #9

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

Don't have a clue what to say, just sending best wishes and healing vibes xxx

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JBalways2000's Avatar
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15-03-2010, 10:37 PM   #10

Re: Raven has Kidney failure :(

Thankyou all so much, you are all so kind and your words mean alot to us right now. It feels good to know that Raven has so many healing vibes and thoughts and prayers being sent his way

Im just going to read through some of the links that i havent got around to yet and then il probably get an early night and cuddle with the cats so i can get up nice and early and ready to speak to the vet. Really hoping i can sleep tonight, my OH stayed up all night with Raven last night and i didnt get much sleep myself because i woke up so often to see how he was so im hoping we will be tierd enough not to let the worrying keep us up tonight-will need the energy to face whatever tomorrow may bring.

If i dont manage to get on here again tonight i will of course update as soon as i know anything tomorrow-Thankyou all again for being so lovely.

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