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18-01-2009, 10:09 AM   #1

Daily- Sunday....

Morning! After a night of gales and pouring rain, I have got up to a calm sunny morning, Cats have been out for ther morning stroll, although they all came back pretty smartish , looks like the neighbourhood bully is around this morning....
Kittens have had their breakfast and are now all snoozing....Daffy is begining o trust me in the same room, but any sudden movements she is off, managed to sit and pet her lastnight, she did not like it, but tolerated it without running off....Its going to take a while with her...
Nothing planned today, think a day at home and a lovely dog walk later...
Enjoy your day everyone...

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18-01-2009, 10:57 AM   #2

Re: Daily- Sunday....

Morning Mags! We had stormy weather up this way too. I'd just bought a lovely new numbrella (a cream number with poppies all over it and a red frill trim!) so decided I'd rather get wet walking home than have it blown inside out and ripped by the gales

I'm up early and off to the gym, woo! Really getting into the swing of things with this gym thing. It helps when OH says he has noticed a physical difference, nothing like a little motivation. And also I'm going to Wagamama's for dinner tonight, so got to make sure I can have the white chocolate and ginger cheesecake

Eileen, I hope your heating is fixed!! I just read your post from y'day this mornin and oh my!! Poor you. Hope you did keep very very warm, and Leia was of some assitance in those matters, and you're all warm and toasty again by the time you read this!

Hope everyone has a good day!

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18-01-2009, 11:05 AM   #3

Re: Daily- Sunday....

Woke up to a beautiful sunny morn after last night's winds and rain; although it wasn't as bad as what the forecast predicted. I was on call but I slept soundly and the phone didn't ring, phew!
Posh is having a growth spurt I think coz she can't seem to get enough food!, most unusual for her, maybe she's over her chill now. I 'm really watching what I eat, I need to lose 5lb at least in the next 3 weeks to sit comfy on the plane to the States. It's just the tip of the iceberg of the weight I need to lose for a slimline me but every little helps!

Catch you later

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18-01-2009, 11:39 AM   #4

Re: Daily- Sunday....

Same combination here - lashing rain and howling gales last night and sunshine and calm this morning. Stayed up too late last night watching Sin City (a brilliant fillum), and woke in the night feeling really queasy and unwell. OH let me sleep in until 9am by bringing the boys downstairs and letting them run riot down here. I'm up now and feeling much better, which is a relief.

OH has gone off to Waitrose to get bits for a lamb tagine for dinner and we have Dominik's riding lesson this afternoon. Sebi's cold seems to be abating very well and I'm happy because I had a major tidy up in the gardens (front and back) yesterday and they're looking much better

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

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18-01-2009, 12:23 PM   #5

Re: Daily- Sunday....

The sun is back out after the storms last night! Luckily Kindly slept through the thunder ths time-she is usually really anxious and I worry so much about her heart.
I'm off into town again in a little while, the cake making yesterday was a complete disaster and very nearly resulted in the kitchen burning down My mum will have to have a shop-bought cake me thinks!
Imogen is a bit poorly at the moment-vomiting and diarrhoea and very quiet so I think I'll spend the rest of the day at home to keep an eye on her, poor baby.

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18-01-2009, 01:03 PM   #6

Re: Daily- Sunday....

We too had lashing rain and wind last night but I don't think there was any thunder and we managed to sleep through most of it. Lovely blue sky and sun this morning and things seem to have dried up quite a bit. We forgot about putting the garden chairs away safe and they all went over in the night - we did remember to secure the wheelie bins though.

Sorry to hear about Imogen PL - do hope she's better soon. It's not fair for such a pretty girlie to feel poorly.

White chocolate and ginger cheesecake meep ? After all that effort in the gym ......... still, what the heck, live a bit!

Do hope that DM's boiler has kept working over night and that she and Leia are still warm.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

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18-01-2009, 04:01 PM   #7

Re: Daily- Sunday....

I am so angry with OH

We have a fridge-freezer in the kitchen and an overflow, small freezer in the garage which is vital for preparing for special occasions. Before Christmas I spent a whole lot of time and money filling up the spare freezer with a whole variety of main meals, puddings and vegetarian dishes so that there would always be something available.

Well, we didn't use that much of it up as it turned out because our family changed their plans a bit and didn't stay at ours for as long as originally planned. I went to the garage this morning to get something special out for dinner tonight and found that the freezer had de-frosted!

Not an electrical fault though, OH had unplugged the freezer on Wednesday afternoon to use the battery charger and didn't think to use an adapter or even to plug it in again afterwards!! Oooh, I'm so mad at him!!!

And do you know what he said? "Well you should have noticed before now!!"

I think I'm going to kill him!

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18-01-2009, 04:34 PM   #8

Re: Daily- Sunday....

I told my OH about your OH Mrs H! He said "Has he done a runner then? Is he going to sleep at the Travel Lodge tonight?"

Please don't kill him - Morgan would miss you terribly if you got sent down!!!

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18-01-2009, 05:35 PM   #9

Re: Daily- Sunday....

Oh MrsH, how awful! I hope you sent him to his room for a timeout and that he gets no dessert for a week! Meep, go for the cheesecake; one little indulgence won't hurt. PL, hope Imogen's feeling a bit better by now. PP, good luck getting off the 5 pounds! Glad everyone made it safe thru the nasty storms last night.

Things are 100% better than yesterday, the boiler is working adequately enough until the new part is installed tomorrow, and although it's cloudy it's above freezing for the first time in days and days, will make 4 degrees today! Leia is most pleased to reclaim a warm radiator, bless her. And I didn't have to shop today, Carolyn kindly picked up what I needed at Whole Foods while I was waiting for the plumber ...aren't I lucky to have such a good friend? So can enjoy my broiled crab cake and lovely fresh spinach tonight.

Have a nice Sunday, all!

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18-01-2009, 07:08 PM   #10

Re: Daily- Sunday....

ooops!!! I bet if that was you MrsH, you would never hear the end of it, is Hubby still breathing????!

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