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04-02-2006, 11:01 AM   #1

Bernies story and long intro's

Hiya, just thought I'd share our experience of introductions and the progress we are now making.
Winston, as you all know has been with me for almost 21 years. We lost his brother at the age of 5 and after a time I took in a poor cat that had been tormented and abused and fed drugs. He very quickly became Winstons long time companion but we lost him sadly a few years ago to Hepatic Lipidosis.
My vet at the time recomended we get a kitten, as this would bring out the kitten in Winston, he said. I took his advice, but would do it all differently now, and we got Eva. We took the intro slowly and Eva lived in the lounge for a time. Winston has always been a very gentle and accepting cat and so there wasnt many problems, other than she was way too young to be a companion for Winston. They tolerate one another but are not that close.
I then became very friendly with a girl from another site, who does alot of rescue work. Every day she would be rescuing, nursing and rehoming kitties. She then posted one that she had found living on a railway track, very scruffy and under norished. She had so many cats at this point and couldnt think what to call him. I insisted she call him Bernie Cribbens, from the railway children.
When Bernies picture was posted on the rehoming page, I dearly loved him instantly. I thought it was an impossibility that I could be his forever home as he was in Wales and I am in Scotland. I mentioned that I loved him but it would be impossible. Dawn, the rescue lady, said she would love for me to be his forever home and so every one pulled together on the site to work out how it could be done, with minimum stress to Bernie.
After many discussions a plan was formed with the help of another rescue lady from Perth and her inlaws in Manchester. The Inlaws didnt live far from Dawn, and so they picked him up and he stayed over night in Mancester. The following day they drove to Gretnagreen with Bernie, where Liz, the other rescue lady, was waiting. Liz then took Bernie to Perth for another over night stay and he was delivered to me the following day. What a journey for the poor cat but he coped brilliantly and every one he met on his journey fell in love with him too.
Any way that was back in November. Eva hated him on sight, Winston was not too concerned. It has take a very long time but e are finally making progress with the intro's. Its not as easy as they make out it is in books. Eva is very sensitive but very slowly she is building her confidence. She has always been more scared of him than anything else and there have been a few mishaps along the way. Poor Bernie has been kept separate all this time but is a very happy and playfull kitty. Its been quite trying at times making sure all 3 cats have their individual attention and play time. I really dont know how some of you all manage with multi pet households.
We are getting very close now as we had a few major break throughs this week. It has very much been a case of two steps forward and one back all the way. We have had a pen set up in the kitchen for months now, where Bernie goes at feeding times. He has always been very relaxed about all the fuss Eva makes. It took about a month before Eva would even eat at the door way to the kitchen but now eats happily with in inches.
The other day Bernie managed to take a nip at Eva's tail. She hissed then turned and they sniffed noses. The following day she walked around the cage for the first time, growled a fair bit then settled down inches away from Bernie. Last night was the biggest breakthrough.
Normally after feeding, Eva lies in the hallway, we open the pen and Bernie walks from the kitchen, through the hall and into the lounge for some play time with Graham. But last night, Bernie walked out of the pen and round the back of it. Eva became curious and entered the kitchen to see what he was doing. They sat a few feet apart just watching eachother. Bernie then jumped on top of the pen, and I felt sure that this would frighten Eva and she would run, but no, she moved a little closer to the pen and watched him, growling a little.
She than made to walk out of the kitchen, which was Bernies cue to take chase. He did follow, Eva lay down, ears flat to her head and hissed. Bernie walked staight past her and into the bedroom. Eva regained her composure and folllowed. Bernie went under the bed and settled in Eva's bed there. Eva lay at the side of the bed and watched, quite calmly. We left it a few minutes then took Bernie into the lounge for some playtime and Eva got lots of fusses for being extra brave.
Old boy Winston was fast asleep and knew nothing of the events, bless him.
Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to share it coz its not always that easy to get cats to tolerate eachother and some never will. But I am so proud of all my kitties and their acheivements. They have taught me so much, I just wish I had this much patients with humans LOL. Hopefully, on day VERY soon, we Will have acceptance and can all live together with out segregation LOL.

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04-02-2006, 11:10 AM   #2

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

well it sounds like that day is getting very close. Well done for having so much patience. I wish some people had half!
Please keep us updated with your progress.

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04-02-2006, 11:29 AM   #3

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

I have to be honest and say that it has been frought with its problems and negative times. Thoughts of giving up etc. If these two had been humans I would have walked away a long time ago but they are cats and behave just as cats know how. I love and care about all 3 cats and their wellbeing.
I remember having the week off after Bernies arrival and thinking by the end of that week all would be well LOL. Then I thought by the end of the month Next I thought by Xmas The January came Now we are into February and I thought maybe by my 40th, wouldnt that have been a lovely present??? My 40th looms dark for tomorrow Its been quite a journey but one I would take again but not in the near future We are getting there and feels bloody good. I have been keeping a diary of events etc, so every time I feel a bit negative, its good to look at it a see how far we have actually come
Hopefully by SPRING there will be an end to this apartied

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04-02-2006, 12:55 PM   #4

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

I'm pleased to hear a bit of progress has been made Elaine

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04-02-2006, 01:10 PM   #5

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

That sounds like hard work Elaine, but it will all pay off when they are playing and living happily side by side.

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04-02-2006, 01:11 PM   #6

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

It's difficult introducing adult cats isn't it? Glad there's been a bit of progress Elaine.
This is why I've made the decision to get 2 kittens - so they can befriend each other and the old girls can ignore them, if that's what they want. The idea of adult rescue is lovely but.....................maybe if you could meet the potential adoptees a couple of times and weigh up their temperament/compatibility?

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04-02-2006, 01:19 PM   #7

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

Pleased its all going well for you Elaine I really really am. The books make it looks and sound so easy but your story is another reason I am pleased I decided to stay with Cleo, and not add tomy cat family. Unless one day of couse a cat comes calling and Cleo lets him/her in.

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04-02-2006, 02:06 PM   #8

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

Fingers crossed they'll learn to live together in harmony very, very soon

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04-02-2006, 04:03 PM   #9

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

Tolerance is the most we can hope for at this stage, anything else will be a bonus Just goes to show that there are no time scales for these things and it simply takes as long as it takes. Think we are lucky that Bernie has a very gentle nature coz if he was anything like Eva, I dont think we would have made it this far. Will keep you posted as its all getting quite exciting now, just hope I havent spoken too quickly

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06-02-2006, 05:03 PM   #10

Re: Bernies story and long intro's

Keep up the good work, Elaine, it will be worth it in the end. I have always found that my boys accept another much more willingly than my girls.

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