View Full Version : Daily Thread/Monday

03-11-2008, 08:54 AM
Morning all,
I could just kick myself!!! I have got up for work this morning because it says on my rota that Im in,anyway I was flicking through my diary and noticed it said day off today :? then I remembered that my shift changed,I put it in my diary but didnt change it on my rota that I keep on the cupboard in the kitchen :mad: so I was up at 6.30 on my day off :roll:
Overcast here today,dry at the moment but rain forecast for later.
Not much planned,just got some washing to get through and my LDQ to finish and thats about it.
Have a good day all :D

03-11-2008, 09:23 AM
Gorgeous and sunny here if a bit misty.

Cleaning the house today, then off for a nap later then im working nights tonight.

I can't take anymore excitement!!

03-11-2008, 09:29 AM
Good morning. Another quiet mild day - good!
Erin - look on it as a few bonus hours? A 'different' sort of start to the day.
Matron - cleaning the house - mm, mmm. But it's got to be done, and there's a minor feeling of achievememnt. I always found a brief spray of Pledge or similar into the air and a tidy away of newspapers was enough to fool myself and OH, who'd come in, sniff, and say - you've been busy!

Off to mum's today, so I'll have to do a major Catsey catch up tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone

03-11-2008, 09:39 AM
I am off to work shortly. See you all later, have a good day.

03-11-2008, 09:43 AM
Morning all, been a hard frost her, beautiful cold crisp morning...Off to Aberdeen shopping , need to finish my Christmas list....
Then somewhere nice for lunch, Son is treating me...
Have a lovely day everybody...

03-11-2008, 02:31 PM
Wasn't at work long before I got a call from the school to say Sebi was inconsolable and had a 100 degree temperature! I got there and he was calmer but still hot. We're now home and he seems much brighter. Can the little horrors calls up a fever as well as vomit on demand??

So everything that I had planned for today is off and I have to minister to the strops and otherwise of a 2 year old!! :roll:

03-11-2008, 05:48 PM
Cloudy and still cooler than normal, 13C; did double marketing this morning as I go to the polls tomorrow morning and annual eye doctor appointment after lunch; hate having eyes dilated. May not be on until a bit later than usual, hard to focus on the screen .....
Nothing new here; have remembered to put the dry food tins away at night so Madame can't knock them over and have a wee hours snack! She is not amused ...

Erin: what a waste of sleep-in time!
Yola: hope the little one is feeling better.
DM: had to chuckle at the Pledge wax and minimal tidying bit...I often resort to that!! :-D

Hope it's a good afternoon for all!

03-11-2008, 06:11 PM
Hello all! I came home early from work with a banging headache so I've rested up and only now I feel I can face the screen. I catch up on the rest of the posts. Hope you are all well.:)

03-11-2008, 07:43 PM
morning all!
got a lot done yesterday and was so tuckered out that the HUGE overflowing sinkful of dishes attributed to all the cooking adventures i had are waiting for me this morning.
ugh, i hate dishes.
still raining here, glad i got all my errands done over the weekend.
still watching monkey as he seems to be off his kibble lately but is taking to my homemade chicken soup...spoiled ??
hope you all have a good day...

03-11-2008, 09:08 PM
Evening all! I had a day off work today, tried a bit of Christmas shopping which was not productive at all - hence my absence on here!

I only managed to get one thing, and it was a keyring! (A very meaningful keyring though ;) ) So I'll have to take another day off to go back in, I was in town on Saturday as well and already it was unbearable... Although this time of year does make me feel very warm and happy inside, I love when it's dark and all the lights are on and people are all wrapped up, and I get a hot chocolate and sit on a cosy coffee-house couch and read a good book :)

I'm off to see Dylan Moran tomorrow night, can't wait!

I'm rushing on and off here, sorry for not catching up properly. Hope everyone is well and have a good halloween!

03-11-2008, 09:13 PM
Hey meep - try online shopping . . . far less stressful; and far more interesting options for gifts than the run-of-the-mill high street stuff.

03-11-2008, 09:17 PM
Hey meep - try online shopping . . . far less stressful; and far more interesting options for gifts than the run-of-the-mill high street stuff.

I agree 100%! You can find anything and have it delivered to your door...no stress, no crowds, no toting bulky packages!

Sorry for the bold type...I highlighted Yola's post, but mine came out that way...:smt017

03-11-2008, 11:23 PM
Thanks for the tip! :)

To be honest I'm not sure where to start online as the only shops I find are ones like iwantoneofthose.com which are lots of novetly items but not wholly meaningful for my nearest and dearest :?

I have an idea of what I'm going to get people though, just need to think a bit more as there's no point looking until I know what I'm looking for :roll:

04-11-2008, 04:48 AM
I try to do most of my shopping online. Another one of my phobias is crowds of people and Christmas shopping sends me over the edge!!!

I tend to use Amazon, M&S, Boots and a couple of childrens gift sites and then go to local garden centres for craft type of pressies.

My latest hot find is hotel chocolat. There chocolates are divine and perfect for special occasions.