View Full Version : Daily Thread / Monday

16-07-2007, 07:45 AM
Morning all, well the sun is out here at the minute but goodness knows how long it will last :roll: Not much planned for today, just the usual.

Hope you all have a lovely day :D

16-07-2007, 07:46 AM
morning fran morning all blue sky here to day and the sun perking through nothing much planned today practicing production and that bout it

16-07-2007, 07:54 AM
Morning. It's dry and bright here too. I've got a load of washing on and will be off to the allotment when that is finished and pegged out. No other plans. Have a good day all.

16-07-2007, 08:20 AM
Well this is "D day" for 2 of my kittens, I am meeting JBalways2000 at Sheffield Railway 12MD to hand over Greebo & Rhino, getting a little sad about them going so far away...but they've got a great home to go to....see ya later JBalways2000......

chris xx

16-07-2007, 08:26 AM
Well this is "D day" for 2 of my kittens, I am meeting JBalways2000 at Sheffield Railway 12MD to hand over Greebo & Rhino, getting a little sad about them going so far away...but they've got a great home to go to....see ya later JBalways2000......

chris xx

That's not a million miles away from me, I might come along and snaffle them for myself ;) :-D

It's such a worry when your babies go to new homes but you'll be able to keep in touch and get regular updates and it is rather nice that two of them get to stay together :cool:

16-07-2007, 09:03 AM
Morning all :D

Weather looking dismal here this morning! No rain as yet but I'm sure it won't be long - probably just as I walk out of my front door :roll:

Supposed to be my half day today but I'm leaving for work now and working until 7 tonight because there's just so much cleaning to do after our open day on saturday! Boring day me thinks :-D

Have a good day all xxxx

16-07-2007, 09:09 AM
That's not a million miles away from me, I might come along and snaffle them for myself ;) :-D

It's such a worry when your babies go to new homes but you'll be able to keep in touch and get regular updates and it is rather nice that two of them get to stay together :cool:

Yes I'm really pleased they're going together even though they're half bros/cousins but only 2 weeks difference in their ages:lol: Fran got a spare half an hour you're welcome to say hi:lol: look for the person carrying a cat carrier:lol: :lol: (kitties have the same Father, & the Mums are sisters:lol: )

chris xx

16-07-2007, 09:52 AM
Morning all....its raining here!!Just got a few bits of shopping to do, apart frpm that nothing planned...
have a good day all....:D

16-07-2007, 10:21 AM
Stress city in the office today ( and for the next 2 weeks). Only hubby and me + one temp artworker, one part time telesales bloke and one part time office assistant; I'm getting a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach just thinking about it :(

Coupled with that the lease company with the Touareg has let me down, can't delivery before the end of the month which is when the Lexus runs out. So panicking there too :shock:

Weather nice now after a very wet start. I'm inapproriately dressed in a jumper and boots and I can just bet it's going to start getting warm soon.

16-07-2007, 10:31 AM
Coupled with that the lease company with the Touareg has let me down, can't delivery before the end of the month which is when the Lexus runs out. So panicking there too :shock:

B*****! typical, they are quick enough to take your order, then make you wait!!! Hope its not long now Yola...

16-07-2007, 11:17 AM
morning all
Its sunny here at the moment but we have some dark clouds coming over.Not much planned for today,got to go shopping later but thats about it.

Have a good day all :)