View Full Version : Eating/drinking like possessed.

10-08-2006, 09:00 PM
Well, Choo-Choo Bear has a habit of eating like a little madcat. Fair enough, as he wasn't fed regularly in his previous home.

The thing is, he does it with water, too. I normally refresh water dishes once a day - but Choo-Choo has had me refilling his bowl once in the morning and once in the evening :shock: It is, however, a fairly shallow bowl.

Now I know he also wasn't watered properly in his previous home - could that be the reason or should I be worried about health issues? Or could it stem from the worms/fleas/general malaise? He does use his saliva to make his skin feel better at the moment - could he be trying to stay hydrated so he can do that properly?

I'm assuming that he'll calm down as he becomes used to being fed and watered regularly and properly. Am I right, or am I just going to have a little piggy on my hands? :lol:

10-08-2006, 10:36 PM
Snoof, what a fab job you are doing with this little one. I can see why he has stolen yours and Matt's heart!

From my experience of multiple cat households, I do think that some cats are greedier than others. Sidney eats far more than Rosie & Misty and he makes a mess too, however I do think that is to do with his disability. Unless you are particulalry worried I would wait and see how he goes on in the next few days, hopefully now he has been de-flead & wormed he should improve. As you get to know him better I am sure you will be able to trust your instinct as to whether he needs to see a vet. Good luck with him & well done!

11-08-2006, 01:11 AM
Thanks Kim :-)

He does seem to feel perfectly well within himself, so I'm not too worried. Also when I visited him and saw him the first time, it was on one of those days when it was over 30 degrees and he had absolutely no water at all - so I suspect the poor mite learned to take it when it's there.

Today he learned that nobody here will hurt him and he's safe (as all cats must learn after a move - I don't think they consciously abused him), and decided the pillow in his room (about 10 times his own size :lol:) is a perfectly safe place to sleep.

I think he'll be fine. He seems to be feeling better, although he's still drooling on himself he's nowhere near as obsessive about it. I'm just waiting for his skin to sort out and then I'll get on sorting out his fur properly :-D

I'm just glad that I know he's being cared for properly, now.

11-08-2006, 10:21 AM
aww bless him, Maybe he just hasnt realised yet that food and water will always be given to him now.

11-08-2006, 11:10 AM
Awwwww bless him, you are both doing a excellent job he is now well loved x

15-08-2006, 02:58 PM
Little Alfie is 15 weeks old now and eats like a thing possessed. He has had all his worming tablets etc but would eat 10 times a day if I let him! He has three good meals a day which he polishes off and drinks plenty too. He is growing like a weed so I think that is why and also has competition from other animals in the house. Seems to be thriving anyway.