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09-12-2009, 11:44 AM   #1

Wednesday's Thread

Good morning! It's a misty, drizzly morning here today but I don't care as I'm feeling much better after my last 2 days of sinusitis hell. Face/head still painful but nothing like it has been!

Today the boys are off for their school pantomime - Cinderella, and I've got heaps to get through in the office. Need to pop down to the local village at lunchtime and get a few gifts for the teachers and some coffee as OH is getting frantic for some caffeine!

Major food shop in order tonight as the cupboards are literally bare

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MrsH's Avatar
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09-12-2009, 01:04 PM   #2

Re: Wednesday's Thread

Well, we bought the tree today, they seem very expensive this year, but I can't bring myself to have a fake one. Lovely piney smell in the car on the way back and the tree is now sitting in a bucket of water in the garden, we'll probably bring it indoors towards the end of next week.

So far it's dry here, let's hope there's no rain when we go walkies this afternoon, I'm sick of getting soaked!

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09-12-2009, 04:58 PM   #3

Re: Wednesday's Thread

Hi all. We escaped the icing last night as it stayed well above freezing, just a soaking rain - over an inch - much better than ice. Gloomy this morning, 4 (39 F), with a promise of sun this afternoon. Had a nice lie-in, and promising myself to start the cards!! Cannot seem to get motivated.

Glad you're feeling better, Yola; I agree thst there's nothing like the smell of a real tree, MrsH. Hope to see some of you at the quiz tonight.

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09-12-2009, 06:50 PM   #4

Re: Wednesday's Thread

Good morning all. Had a fitful night of sleep as K got called into work twice for emergency fire alarms. It's an automated system that goes right to our phone number if something goes awry and it first called at 11pm, then he was back at 12am, then woke him from bed at 2am. I fell asleep then so I don't know when he actually came home but he is passed out looking mighty tired and needs to get up in half hour for his regular shift. Ridiculous! I'm sure it's not normal for me to have so much resentment toward a machine but I do
Got groceries done yesterday but had a terribly stomach ache so held out on the cleaning. I did manage to cook a bruschetta chicken for K though. First time using the recipe on the back of Stove Top.
Really must start my Xmas cards today. And clean! Maybe today I will actually get something done. It's amazing to me how this place was perfectly nice last weekend and now it looks like I haven't cleaned in ages. How does that happen??
Anyhoo, hope you all are well and enjoy your day. We are at 24 degrees F right now which is good. Last night it dropped to 15 again. Luckily no precipitation so just a biting cold. Poor K has to work outside. He really does hate working during the winter. Poor guy. He has to come home and defrost by the stove when he gets home from work, LOL. I feel a bit guilty I'm cozy inside all bundled up.
Crossing fingers for good weatther on Saturday. There is a farm I am wanting to visit and we have made plans with K's mother to get together and do something festive as she is having surgery the 18th and we've no idea how she'll actually feel on Christmas itself. There is homemade pie, cider, donuts, crafts to look at, and a live nativity scene..camel included! I can't wait. I guess the camel's name is Moses

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09-12-2009, 08:02 PM   #5

Re: Wednesday's Thread

Okay people I am flying in and straight out again...my pre-Christmas resolution to post at least once a day is in action.Been to work today and really busy.....but just got in had dinner and dashing back out again Christmas shopping....curlers for Sophie, andsome CD's Mom has decided she wants....I am going no where near shops at the weekend...so this week I am trying to get as much done as I can midweek.Have a good eveing all and best of luck to those doing the quiz.

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09-12-2009, 08:52 PM   #6

Re: Wednesday's Thread

Kazz, you won't see this as you've made your daily visit, but...where DO you get your boundless energy??? Tink, hope the farm visit with MIL is as much fun as it sounds; good wishes to her for her op. Poor K!!

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