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06-07-2021, 06:54 AM   #1

Tuesday and it's warm outside. !

Good morning everyone. It's Tuesday early evening here after a warm day, although it's meant to rain tonight.What a real drama I had at the groomers this morning. My cousin came with me. She was going to let me borrow her car, but in the end, decided to come too and just wait in the car with her book.Poor Snoddy now has no fur along his sides and back end, but at least it's done.He was sooooo vicious while it was being done and I was trying to hold him still. Virtually impossible. Anyway, she ended up cutting his leg and the vet who is next door was called in to check it.(not my own vet) He put antibiotic cream on it but said I should take him to my own vet if it looks to be getting infected.I'll just keep my eye on it.Then to make matters worse, the groomer tripped over my cat carrier which she had stowed away under the table, Luckily she didn't hurt herself but the door came right off the carrier and now has a huge crack in it. I'm going to have to chuck it away.She offered to pay for a new one, but I wouldn't dream of it.I've got another one in the garage somewhere anyway. Boy, I was really pleased to get home again, only to find that Frederick had been sick twice on the lounge carpet. Much as I love my cats, I've had enough of them all for one day !!! Snoddy is now outside with the others and Janna. It's still warm so I'm not worried about him getting cold. He seems quite OK but I'll watch him carefully for a while and keep checking his leg for the next few days. Thank you for your kind wishes for him today.

We had the most beautiful Chicken, cranberry and brie pies for lunch, which I bought from a newly opened bakery not far from home.I'm not hungry at all now, as it was really filling, so may just have an egg on toast later on.

PAMELA, sounds as if you had a great weekend with the bikes. I bet Steven loves his new one. Don't worry, you'll get your full licence soon. Saltcoats is an unusual name.Are there salt mines in the area? I suppose you've finished making the snuffle mats by now - lucky dogs.!!! I think they're great, and so did Willow.Good you're getting out running at night too. I'm sure your fitness levels haven't gone down, Pamela. You'll be back with the club in no time, but in the meantime, it's good to have a friend to run with.

SHELLEY,sounds as if you have also had a great weekend carbooting and working with your collection.It must be very relaxing after a hard week at work and very rewarding. I used to be in to reborning a few years ago, but the kits are now so very expensive and I really don't have the room to display a lot of dolls. I still have two babies left that I've made - Madison and Adison- but I have no room to display them.

YOLA, glad you had a great time in Brighton with the children and got to catch up with your friend.I do hope that your heel settles down and doesn't require an operation.It does sound painful. AND I'm so very sorry about the tragic death of Joe from heatstroke. The poor gentleman, and what a waste of human life, simply because of a faulty aircon. What a pity he didn't reach out to someone for assistance.Gosh, I would have willingly donated. Rest in peace Joe.

Well everyone, have a great Tuesday. Hope the weather is good for you all. I'm off to make myself an egg. Oh yes, I can now book in for the first covid vaccine - I got the letter today.It's about time.

Enjoy your day everyone.

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06-07-2021, 05:31 PM   #2

Re: Tuesday and it's warm outside. !

Evening Dinky and anyone to follow.
Your trip to the groomers sounds Dreadful but at least he's done.
Great that you can book your jab.
Pamela you sound busy with those snuffle mats.
Not had a bad day at work today but I must admit to feeling quite irratable at the moment, not with the children I'm working with just other people.
I'm also having to deal with my sons business as I'm his carer and there's so many incompetent people to deal with, grrrrrrrr, lol.

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06-07-2021, 06:07 PM   #3

Re: Tuesday and it's warm outside. !

Dinky - that was quite the day with the grooming. I get a bit stressed when I groom Kiki as she wails constantly and it has the same effect as a crying baby. I end up dropping things and feel a tangible sense of relief when we finish. I also know she hates it which doesn’t help. I hope Snoddy’s leg is ok. Cats do on the whole heal well so fingers crossed.

Shelley - I do so feel your pain re having to deal with incompetent people - it sometimes seems quite Kafkaesque, the hoops we have to jump through, often to no avail. Frustrating.

Today was very busy at work and the roads were especially busy coming home. Older boy is off celebrating his girlfriend’s 18th birthday with her family so it’s the 3 of us for dinner. Younger boy is ensconced in his room with his gaming despite me being home for 1/2 an hour already. I despair. Close on 10 weeks of this before school starts again!!

I ate lots of cakes at work today as it was someone’s birthday and she brought them in so will need to have an extra-brisk walk tonight to work off all that sugar. I hope the rain holds off!!

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06-07-2021, 09:26 PM   #4

Re: Tuesday and it's warm outside. !

evening everyone,

Dinky, sounds like a terrible experience at the groomers, i do hope Snodgrass is ok and his leg heals without infection. The warm air should help. Im not surprised you were glad to get home! Thats a shame Fredrick was sick, i went out to my hall last night to the same but certain it was Skye as it furball like and its usually just her that does that. Your dinner also sounds nice

Shelley, its a nightmare when you cant deal with people who are competent!! Frustrates the life out of me but a lot of the time its due to lack of knowledge due to poor training.

Yola, the office cake sounds good!! I hope your older son has a lovely time with his girlfriend and her family celebrating her 18th. My nephew is 20 this year and still sits in his room gaming for hours!!

I have been making snuffle mats again tonight, got 2 left to make. Was out running with my friend last night and we are out again tomorrow night. Only doing shorter distances such as 5k to build up for both of us again.

Also not impressed with Harris!! the wee toad had me awake on and off from 3am meowing in my face and running about the house meowing as he wanted out!! Not a chance at that time in the morning but i couldnt sleep because of the noise he was making and nothing would quieten him down! Needless to say i am quite tired tonight and have told Steven to deal with Harris if he is the same tonight!!

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