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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
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12-12-2021, 07:43 AM   #1

Sunny Sunday.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley.
It's been a nice sunny day here today, but not too hot, thank goodness. Meant to be the same tomorrow, so I will do some washing tonight.I've had a good day with my cousin who came round today instead of yesterday She's done all her xmas shopping, unlike me. I've ordered several things online but they're all coming from Auckland (North island) which is in total lock down and the items can't be sent yet. The borders are meant to open this coming week, so they will be sent then, but there is going to be a huge backlog of mail, so I guess I'll just have to be patient.

Dickens isn't too bad and is now managing to sleep for longer periods of time, but still very nervous. I'm sure that cat can now hear something. Jack and Vera came last night to be fed, but this morning, only Jack turned up. Tonight there has been no sign of either of them. I'm hoping that Vera is OK and that maybe she has laid some eggs and is now sitting on them. I would hate to think that anyone has harmed my beautiful bird.

My knees haven't been too bad today and I think that finally the exercises must be doing some good. I'll go and do them all shortly, even though they're painful.

PAMELA,I'm glad you enjoyed your day in the office. It must have been nice to catch up on all the news again.You're having a very busy social life at the moment. It was good that you were able to attend your friend's wedding reception on Friday night, even though it was a long way to go and you must have been tired. I bet she was pleased to see you.That new car of Steven's sounds good. I'm glad that he's finally got it and that he enjoys driving it.Let's hope you enjoy the xmas markets in Glasgow today.Try not to buy too much.

SHELLEY, you must be looking forward to finishing work for the year soon. Only one more week to go and then off for two weeks. Happy days !!! Fancy working on a doll that is 150 years old. I guess it would need a bit of restoration by now, but what a rewarding project for you. I hope Howard's booster shot went well yesterday and he is feeling no ill effects today.

Dragon's Breath pudding is based on a traditional Danish recipe It's name comes from the fact that you can flavour it with a tiny bit of rum (optional) and then children are told that because of the rum, they must not breathe out near a candle in case their breath catches fire - just like a dragon's ! The pudding is yummy, but fattening and I only have it at xmas and I use water instead of rum

3-4 tsp gelatine
1/4 cup cold water
1/4 cup extra water or rum
3 eggs, separated
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup cream whipped.

1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 tsp cornflour

Use larger amount of gelatine if making a pudding you wish to unmould, and the smaller amount if you want to spoon it out of a serving dish.
Sprinkle gelatine over the cold water in small saucepan and leave to stand 2-3 minutes until it swells and softens, then add the extra water or rum and stir over a very low heat until the gelatine dissolves. Remove from heat.
Separate the eggs, putting the whites in a bowl for beating and adding the yolks to the warm gelatine.
Stir to mix, then heat very gently until the yolks start to thicken the mixture. As soon as it thickens slightly, remove from heat and stand in a bowl of cold water. Stir continuously and remove saucepan from bowl before mixture sets hard.
Beat egg whites until foamy then add the sugar and beat until peaks turn over at the top when beater is lifted up. Fold egg whites into cool but still unset gelatine mixture.
Beat cream until thick (using same unwashed bowl and beater) then fold gently but thoroughly into the pudding.
Spoon everything into an oiled mould or a bowl that holds about 5 cups. Place in fridge to set

To make the sauce, puree the fruit and caster sugar in a food processor. Push through a sieve into a saucepan. Add cornflour and heat until thickened.

I just have my pudding made in a bowl, and spoon out each individual serving, then pour HOT sauce over each portion. It's yummy.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

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12-12-2021, 08:25 AM   #2

Re: Sunny Sunday.

Dragons pudding sounds wonderful and I love the story.
Dinky I do hope Jack turns up with Vera soon.
Glad your knees are a bit better.
Pamela, hope you had a great time at the markets, only been to Glasgow once, a few years ago and it belted down with rain all day, lol
Howard had his booster and is fine apart from the usual sore arm.
Off to Haworth today, they make a big fuss at Christmas and it's very atmospheric.
I will probably go in the parsonage again and of course the apothecary.

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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
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12-12-2021, 10:33 AM   #3

Re: Sunny Sunday.

Update on Jack and Vera - they BOTH arrived on the back lawn about 9pm tonight and had a good meal. It's now 10.30pm. and they've just flown off and so cats can go outside for a bit. Have a great day at Haworth,Shelley, and the xmas markets,Pamela.

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12-12-2021, 07:15 PM   #4

Re: Sunny Sunday.

Hi Shelley and Dinky,

So glad Jack and Vera have reappeared tonight for you. Also glad to hear that Dickens is continuing to do well Fingers crossed your parcels arrive soon as well.

Shelley, Haworth sounds lovely! I do hope you enjoyed your day. Did you get much whilst you were there?

We had a fairly busy day. We walked teh dogs but had to cut the walk short as Mia hurt her leg but she seems ok now. Went shopping for some presents, got our booster jags then went to Stevens mums to pick som things up and of course play with the pup!! Then home via Stevens sisters to pick up a nice scratch post that her cat doesnt use. It has a nice comfy looking hammock type bit on it which i am sure mine will love!! Just watched the highlights of the grand prix. Amazing race!! Just sitting relaxing tonight then work tomorrow.

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13-12-2021, 08:17 AM   #5

Re: Sunny Sunday.

Phew, so glad they are OK, thanks for the update

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