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09-12-2021, 06:19 AM   #1

Thursday Daily.

Good morning everyone. Nearly teatime here and I've got some fish to do in the oven, along with veges. Janna is out on a circular delivery run, all cats are lying around sleeping and I've just been out feeding the wild birds ,plus Jack and Vera. This is their second visit today. Such beautiful birds they are ,but they drive the cats crazy. Hopefully they won't hang around for long tonight because the cats will want to go outside and I can't let them out if the ducks are asleep on the back lawn.

I went to my 2nd to last physio session yesterday and my knees have been really painful today, as expected. I managed to get the bus and go to New World supermarket this morning and I've ordered a couple of hot chickens and a couscous and eggplant salad to be picked up on xmas eve That will be my xmas menu - I'm going to take the chance of reheating the chicken the next day and hopefully I won't get food poisoned. I normally make the salad myself, but want to try the supermarket version. I'll also do my usual - honey glazed carrots and minted peas, followed by Dragons Breath pudding ,a pavlova and maybe a fruit flan. My sister ,her husband and daughter and Brenna ,Jared and children will all be here and we have the meal around 5pm. Hopefully that will be enough food My poor cats will have to be locked away as they are terrified of all the noise.

I've put up a few decorations but Janna will put the tree up this weekend. I bought a really nice colour changing ,dimmable light bulb that works with a remote control and I've put it behind the TV on the wall. iIt really does look beautiful when it cycles through the colours at night. Must remember to turn it on on xmas night.

Dickens is still not right and he looks miserable at times. I don't know if he's still in pain or not, because I've taken him off the metacam. He's still on his other medication though and he isn't running to the litter box every few minutes, but sometimes he cries while he's in there.He's eating well if I hand feed him and I'm trying to get him to eat more wet food Still waiting to get the RC Calm dry biscuits

PAMELA, I hope your college assessment last week went well. Thank goodness it was the last one for the year What a relief.I'm glad Harris got over his urinary problems. I'm going to ask Michele about the availability of biscuits for urinary tract, as I know RC make one. They may be available and might help him.I bet you had fun putting up your tree this year and I'm sure your new colour scheme looks stunning.Your whole house must look beautiful with the lights in the windows. What on earth is "tunnel" ? Is it some sort of decoration ? Lucky Steven, getting his new car this weekend .I bet he's excited, especially as it has all the bells and whistles in it.

SHELLEY,, I bet your house also looks beautiful now you have all your decorations up as well. Gosh, am I the only lazy one around here ? I'm pleased that you enjoyed the doll and bear fair on Saturday and sold lots. It makes it so worthwhile. Do you ever miss the dolls that you sell or are you able to let them go easily ? It sounds as if you've got a super Christmas day planned with your family and dogs of course.

Well, I'm off to put the fish in the oven and turn the veges on.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday and the weather isn't too cold for you.

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09-12-2021, 08:13 AM   #2

Re: Thursday Daily.

Just a quick check in before work, hoping I don't get a letter suggesting I work from home again, I really don't want to have to zoom.
Got a phone call from the site owners to say our outside storage box has been damaged in the storm, hopefully they will be able to fix it today.
Dinky, I generally don't miss the things I sell, some I buy to sell on and others I take out of my collection.
Once I've decided I usually then want them gone.
Occasionally though I redress, tidy them up and then decide not to sell, lol.
Sorry Dickens still isn't right and also your poor knees.
Pamela, I too was wondering what tunell was, is it a typo?

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09-12-2021, 08:51 AM   #3

Re: Thursday Daily.

Morning ladies, quick message from me as I am actually going into the office today!! Tunnel was meant to say tinsel! Autocorrect on my phone at its best!! Will catch up properly later ��

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09-12-2021, 08:36 PM   #4

Re: Thursday Daily.

Ah, tinsel, lol

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