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pamela81's Avatar
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26-06-2013, 08:36 AM   #1

middle of the week daily

Morning everyone. Thought I would start an early daily since im in working having breakfast and a cuppa. Not really much to report. Working until 5pm then home for a cycle as its lovely here today. We have discovered that Harris is just being extremely picky with his food. He will eat the gourmet stuff but not the Whiskas or iams at the moment!;

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angieh's Avatar
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26-06-2013, 09:31 AM   #2

Re: middle of the week daily

Morning Pamela, hope you enjoyed your b'fast! Lovely day here too, nice to see blue sky and not that horrid overcast gloom, certainly makes me feel much brighter.

OH is out with the dogs just now and we are expecting a delivery this morning. We've decided to change Dora's diet to BARF but are going slowly mainly because we have a huge amount of kibble to finish first, so she has kibble for b'fast and (atm) Nature's Menu for her supper. She loves it and I have to say, fingers crossed, her digestive upset (which I won't go in to here!) has cleared up very quickly. The kibble which is a 5 star all natural no grain product I think was just too rich for her gut. Not sure we'll put Monty onto the RAW but may try it as there are plenty of other Schnauzer owners who do and loads of experienced folk happy to advise.

Dora did well at training last night and OH says that Monty was the best ever at agility. The agility trainer was impressed with him, though he'll never be quick, he was good, focused, did a clear round and behaved perfectly! He's my hero today.

Have a good day folks.

Edited to say: that was Monty doing the clear round, not my OH!!!

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PoshPuss's Avatar
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26-06-2013, 09:57 AM   #3

Re: middle of the week daily

Morning ladies! and all to follow, I've popped in and read the posts but haven't chipped in with the daily for a few days, not much to say for now, have the engagement party to look forward to on Saturday when it will be all hands to the pump as we cater for 130 guests!

My sis and family are having a short break in Weymouth with my parents and I'm so glad the weather is fine.

The stray grey is still around but my girls are getting more assertive and running him off, I contacted CP and they are willing to give me a trap and a voucher for neutering, not sure if I want to go down that road. I really don't want to have another cat to look after

See you later x

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