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Shelley123's Avatar
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01-05-2010, 02:33 PM   #1

So so Saturday

Mixed weather here today.
Was dry first thing which was great as i got to the car boot.
They have banned all Dogs, due apparently to a Dog getting savaged 2 weeks ago. It's a shame that all Dogs are banned because a few people can't keep theirs under proper control.
Puppy classes today, only 3 turned up so they all got lots of attention. Malaika is doing well.
Was sorry to hear Kazz is in hospital again, i hope she's soon sorted and out again soon.

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angieh's Avatar
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01-05-2010, 02:50 PM   #2

Re: So so Saturday

Hi Shelley - it's wet and cold here. I've just been out to close up the greenhouse and have put on an extra jumper and switched the heating back on. 1st of May!!!! I wonder if it's volcanic ash that's caused it to be so cold, or if it would have been anyway. My Aquilegias are coming into bud - they grow so fast and don't seem to mind the cold. Tulips are still hanging on, but those Narcissus are beginning to go over. I shall keep those bulbs for next year, but advice is not to bother with the tulips as they are never as good in the second year. Seems a shame but it's probably better to heed advice rather than wait for a lovely display only to be disappointed. You can plant them out in the garden and use any flowers for cut flowers, so the experts say - I may try that.

OH went down to Southampton docks this morning to pick up a couple of friends who were returning from a cruise. They got back here in very good time, only to discover that they had left several items in their cabin on board!!! Phoned up and then had to go all the way back again to collect their belongings. I can't believe how calmly OH took it - a very old friend luckily! So what could have been finished before 11 didn't finally get sorted until after 1.30 .............. I expect to hear snoring from the lounge later this afternoon. Kizzy and Pip are already fast asleep on the chairs under the table.

I may have a while with family history research.

I was also sorry to hear that Kazz is back in hospital and hope she is soon home and not in pain.

Glad Malaika is doing well at her puppy classes. How are you doing with her growling behaviour Shelley?

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Shelley123's Avatar
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01-05-2010, 03:03 PM   #3

Re: So so Saturday

Hi angie, your OH sounds like he's been busy with his friends, lucky them to have been on a cruise.
Malaika hasn't growled since last weekend, it's common for Basenji's, our last one was very feisty. I was shocked though because she is so young.
We've recieved lots of advice, some conflicting.
We were advised by the trainer to keep her off all the furniture and just cuddle her on the floor.
We have decided to compromise and let her up as we just love to cuddle her. We are going to make her get down on request and reward her. In other situations we are going to distract her with toys rather than pick her up.
We will jolly her out of growls, this is very common for Basenjis. If she attempts to bite we will either smack her bottom or spray her with water. Not decided yet.
At other times she's so sweet and intelligent, just very feisty.

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01-05-2010, 04:35 PM   #4

Re: So so Saturday

Hi, Angie and Shelley! It's gorgeous here today: 25 C (77 F), cloudless sky and will make 31 by afternoon! My weather! Didn't need a jacket for the first time in ages on my trip to the library and liquor store; may be able to switch to shorts instead of jeans tomorrow.

The weather will be warm for quite a few days so planted the rest of the basil and peppers outside yesterday. Angie, I disregard the advice and leave my tulips in the ground; they are never quite as spectacular as the first year, but a decent showing and less hassle. But I have the early Fosteriana ones. Shelley, sounds like a good strategy with the pup.

Off to read about Kazz, I hadn't seen that thread yet.

Enjoy the weekend.

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01-05-2010, 06:25 PM   #5

Re: So so Saturday

Well, the promised downpour has only just arrived, it's been between warm and hot for most of the day!

We've been allotmenting; OH fixed our smashed shed door, and finished off my greenhouse bench. I planted out my runner beans and did masses of weeding as the sun/rain combination has really brought them on. The local PCSO came round on his bike as aparently there was another round of smash-ins after our shed was broken into

Came back and was gobsmacked to find Balie has pooed in the litter tray . . . he'd peed on the plastic though, but hey it's a small step forward

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