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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
03-04-2022, 05:05 AM   #1

Sunday Daily.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley. It's a beautiful sunny afternoon here today and I haven't been doing much, just reading and a bit more washing . It was daylight saving time at 3am this morning and the clocks went back one hour. then, so now it's going to get darker earlier in the evening. The cats will have to start going out a bit earlier now, and the birds will need to be fed earlier.

Dickens is OK, no breathing problems and is using his litter box normally. He's full up on Temptations right now and is sleeping on the top of the cat tower in the front conservatory. Sweet chilli chicken wraps for tea tonight with lots of nice salad in them and some lemon yoghurt to follow. I've been good and haven't eaten any chocolate biscuits today, but I can hear them calling me ! Hopefully I can resist the temptation.

My niece still has all the symptoms of covid but is still testing negative, so hopefully she just has the flu. She's staying in her room as much as possible and trying to keep away from mum and dad.

PAMELA, I hope you had a nice trip in the train to Edinburgh yesterday to meet up with your dad. I guess he'll be in Romania now. I do hope he has a relaxing time there with his friend. I'm glad he's only going for a short time and will be home soon again. Yes, I bet Skye is so relieved to be home. Your little leg-warmer must have been so afraid. Thank goodness there was a happy outcome for all. AND I'm sorry that you're still not feeling too well, but at least you're still testing negative for covid . It's good that you're going to have a relaxing day today. Skye is going to love spending a quiet day with her favourite person in the world. I hope you feel a lot better soon, Pamela.

SHELLEY, well, you'll be in Scotland now and all set to have a wonderful holiday. I hope the weather turns out great for you.I can see why you're annoyed over the phone consult. It's not very nice to be accused of things that are not your fault. Unfortunately, some doctors seem to have a very condescending manner and think they can say what they like. I'm glad you stuck up for yourself. At least you'll have a clinic appointment in a couple of months time as well as blood tests, so that's something. Poor Reuben. He sounds like a lovely boy. I do hope that his vet can treat his eye successfully. I'm glad that, at 15, he's still eating well and enjoying life. Way to go ,Reuben.!!!

Well ladies, I'll sign off now. No more news. Dickens has just woken up and is looking intently at the conservatory perspex roof ,where a wee sparrow is hopping around. He'd dearly love to catch that bird !!! He's only got one more pill to have tonight. The poor cat dribbles and shakes when we pick him up - he knows what's coming. Wish I could make it easier for him. (and me).

Have a relaxing Sunday, Pamela and Shelley, and may the sun shine for you both today.

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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Preston UK
Posts: 6,978
03-04-2022, 09:07 AM   #2

Re: Sunday Daily.

Hello, here in sunny Scotland, however there are massive grey clouds and a rubbish forecast.
Whatever the weather we will enjoy.
Going out onto the beach soon and then not sure what else we'll do yet.
This evening we are going to my cousins van to plan some dog walks and possibly a meal out if we can afford.
Prices have risen horrendously.
Dinky, so pleased Dickens is OK, you are doing so well with him.
Pamela, hope you enjoyed meeting your dad yesterday and are feeling a bit better.

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