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Shelley123's Avatar
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28-01-2015, 01:00 PM   #1


hello everyone few minutes left of the morning but by the time i have finished it will no doubt be afternoon,lol.
FM in answer to your question yesterday a Dam Troll is made by the Dam company in Denmark, as Trolls go they are the best IMO The company started in the 60's i think and reissued trolls later also. I have a small collection including several childhood ones.
Angie, sorry you are a suspect and hope that you will be found not to have Glaucoma.
Pamela, how brilliant that you have found someone to look after Barney whilst you are away.
Dinky, nice to hear from you, hope everything is well.
Just saw a beautiful Black cat on our fence, it came into our garden, the dogs were both at the back door keen to go out, how on earth do they know it's there, same with Squirrels.
Off to work soon.
Off to work soon.

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cats' staff's Avatar
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28-01-2015, 01:20 PM   #2

Re: wednesday

Hello Shelley and all to follow. I'm afraid trolls rather give me the creeps! Dolls in general if I'm honest- I'm much more a teddy bear type. I suspect early exposure to the wrong sort of horror film or something. I do know I got into a LOT of trouble when I was given a doll with a huge wedding dress as I dropped her out of the window to see if it would act like a parachute- it didn't. I HAD asked for an action man.

We have just has a hailstorm blow through just as I was about to evict Smudge's latest crunchy offering. She seems to eat the head but leave the back legs and tail . Tolly was rather spooked by all the noise and hid, he has emerged now trying to look nonchalant.

I hope your eye tests are clear Angie, it must be worrying but at least there are things they can do if it is caught early.

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28-01-2015, 04:02 PM   #3

Re: wednesday

Thanks Shelley, I thought Dam meant mother!!!. My brothers brought a troll back from Finland, they had been looking at forestry machinery there. I quite like trolls, always reminds me of the Billy Goats Gruff. Not so keen on dolls, especially the old ones with closing eyes. Had hailstones here, just waiting for the snow now. It's supposed to be horrendous tonight. The wind is quite bad. Only 7 at the meeting today, good though.

I don't think tails are very appetising to cats or beaks for that matter. My Mum's cats keep catching slow worms. If they catch a mouse they usually fetch it in live and let it go. My youngest brother found one in his Rigger boot one morning while he was driving to work. He released it on the track to the house!!

Hope everyone is warm and cosy, especially all furries.

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Shelley123's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 06:28 PM   #4

Re: wednesday

lol CS your story about the bride doll made me laugh, i too had an action man. As a child i wasn't too keen on dolls, one year i was given a silver cross pram with a doll in for christmas. The doll was turfed out in favour of my teddy, which incidentaly i still have.
A Norwegian Troll sounds interesting FM.
Talking of cats leaving certain bits of prey. Ours used to catch voles and always left an organ which i believed to be the gall bladder.

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