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18-04-2022, 06:12 AM   #1

Easter Monday

Good morning ladies and welcome to the last day of the Easter break.It's Monday afternoon here and a nice mild day. Cats are all sleeping on various chairs and cat towers. Dickens has just sneaked into the bedroom and had a large amount of cat biscuits. He came out licking his lips and obviously feeling very pleased with himself. I thought I'd hidden them but he must have smelled them and jumped up on the dresser to get them, the naughty boy. At least he's happy now and is sleeping peacefully on top of the cat tower out the front.

Brenna's wee puppy is keeping everyone awake all night. The poor little thing is very nervous and he must miss his mum and brothers and sisters a lot. he was definitely ready to leave his mum though, according to the breeder, so hopefully it's just a passing thing and he'll settle down soon. She keeps going in to comfort him through the night, but the breeder has told her not to do that. I don't think I would be able to leave him crying though. She now doesn't know what to do for the best.He's got classical music playing for him all night and a blanket with his mum's smell on it, but he just won't settle down and sleep. The breeder had told her that he was a very calm ,friendly little pup, but at the moment, he's neither. She doesn't want to bring him into her bedroom to sleep, because he's not toilet trained at all. I hope he settles down soon, because it's quite distressing for everyone.

I watched Bohemian Rhapsody on TV last night. I have always loved Queen and Freddie Mercury and have a number of their CDs, and I really enjoyed this movie. I knew Freddie loved cats, and at one stage, owned 9 of them and when Queen was touring, he would ring at night to speak to each of his cats.. Their carer would have to hold each one in turn up to the phone. !!! I'm going to buy a copy of the movie, because we both would love to watch it again.

Nothing much else to report. It's a public holiday here today so everything is very quiet.Chicken steaks marinated in manuka honey and rosemary for tea tonight, and I can smell them cooking .. Not sure what veges I'll do yet.

PAMELA, I'm sorry that your show on Saturday turned out to be not so good. I'm sure you'll be able to sell your lovely snuffle mats online anyway. I suppose it's understandable that the hampers didn't sell, because it was mainly an agricultural show rather than a dog show. I bet you had a lovely meal at your dad's last night - nothing beats a roast meal with all the trimmings. Was your sister there as well ? I do agree that Cadbury chocolate is by far the nicest .My "egg" was a Cadbury chocolate bunny and a bag of Cadbury Caramilk mini eggs. I've eaten all of my bunny but still have some of the mini eggs left. I hope you enjoyed your Wispa egg. Wispa is something I haven't tried and I think it's not commonly sold here, although the British shop does stock the bars.

SHELLEY,that must have been a lovely long walk you had on Saturday. Yes, you were lucky to spot two wild hares. I hope you found a few wee bargains at the carboot sale yesterday. It's always amazing what you can find when you're away from home. I don't know whether you are heading back home now, but I hope you have a safe trip back and don't find the traffic too bad.

Well ladies, I'm off now to check on my chicken and put on some veges, then the cats will be all ready to go outside for their nightly adventure. Dickens has just got down off the cat tower and headed back into the bedroom. I've moved the cat biscuits, so he's out of luck. Aren't I mean ?

Have a great Monday ,Pamela and Shelley.

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18-04-2022, 08:02 AM   #2

Re: Easter Monday

Happy Monday.
Cup of tea then getting sorted to pack up van and head for home.
It's a lovely day weather wise,, bit of sun at last.
Found a lovely dragonfly wind chime and jigsaws at the car boot.
Dinky, I'm sure the little pup will settle soon.
Bohemian rhapsody is a great film.
Pamela, hope you had a lovely visit with your dad yesterday.

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18-04-2022, 11:52 AM   #3

Re: Easter Monday

Good morning ladies, i hope all is good

Dinky, it must be hard for Brenna hearing the pup crying, i would find it hard not to go and comfort him. Could she not put him in a crate in her bedroom? My in-laws did that with their Italian Spinone pup and it helped to toilet train her as well as getting her settled during the night. Her crate is now in the hallway instead of the bedroom.

Cheeky Dickens finding the biscuits but also rather clever!! Bohemian Rhapsody is a fantastic movie!! we really like it as well.

Shelley i hope you have a safe trip home today. It always the same that the weather is lovely the day you head home!!

We had a nice dinner at my dads. I didnt see my sister as there was a football game on and didnt want to interrupt her watching it! I have now sold all of the snuffle mats to an online shop that has made quite a few orders from me. I contacted them on Saturday when i got home and they are taking them. Happy with that.

We have just found out how good Harris's climbing skills are!! We let him out when we took teh dogs out and we have a big tree at the other side of our fence. We heard a noise and looked up and Harris was quite far up the tree!! I took a photo of him and he is just higher that the start of the roof of the house across from it!! He is a wee terror!!

I have just booked a campsite for 2 nights for Steven and i to go to Alton towers (huge big theme park Dinky ) looking forward to a couple of nights away now. Got the kennels booked for the dogs and looking at a cattery for the Harris and Skye. Just waiting on them coming back to me now!! They arent the quickest so will try and give them a call as well as messaging them online. We are possibly going to look at sofa's today as we really need a new one!!

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