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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
05-04-2022, 06:50 AM   #1

Tuesday Daily.

Hi Pamela and Shelley,
Tuesday ,early evening here and it's raining heavily. I was so cold that I had to put on my oodie, which I don't usually wear until mid winter. My thumb was sore all night in bed, and now my whole finger is swollen, but it has stopped throbbing now, so hopefully will be OK. My sister says to soak it in epsom salts, so I'll go get some tomorrow if it's still bad. All cats, including Dickens, are waiting to go outside despite the rain, but it's too early yet.

I've been cleaning up a baby doll that was at the freebie bin a couple of months ago, and she's come up really nice. I'm still going to reborn her but need to remove her arms and legs and her breathing mechanism first. Just need to get some genesis heat paints ,and I'm thinking about micro-rooting her hair as well.I haven't reborned for a long time now, but this wee doll (I've named her Holly) is really sweet and should come up really well.

Satay chicken drumsticks for tea tonight with a couscous and eggplant salad. Yum.They're in the crock pot now and smell really good.

Dickens has come into the lounge now and is walking up and down ,wanting food. I've already put down Fancy feast, Dine Kitten and RC kitten wet food, but he just sniffs and turns away. He's had his allocated amount of dry food already today, as well as Temptations and he'll certainly eat those immediately. I will relent later and give him some more biscuits as I hate seeing him hungry.

PAMELA, I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. Coughs are so annoying. You may have a chest infection. I hope you get some satisfaction from the doctor if you decide to have a virtual appointment. It's never as good as a face to face one, but if that's your only option, then it'll have to do. It's a pain that the weather isn't a bit better for you. For goodness sake, keep nice and warm, won't you At least you'll be nice and warm in bed at night with Skye AND Harris both lying with you. Cats make great hot water bottles.

SHELLEY, I hope the weather has cleared a bit for you today and you are able to enjoy the beach. Did you meet up with your cousins yesterday and go out for a nice meal last night ? I do hope so.That's part of the fun of being on holiday. I've been thinking about Reuben, and hoping he is continuing to do OK.

Wow, it has just stopped raining and there is a beautiful golden glow lighting up the sky. - so beautiful

Have a wonderful day, ladies and hopefully the sun will shine for you both today.

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05-04-2022, 08:46 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Hello ladies.
Grey morning here but dry at the moment.
Not been for any meals yet but we plan one this week and one next.
We do have some nice meals in the van though.
My cousins not joining us as they have an 8 month old pup and aren't leaving him alone in the van yet.
Dinky, I do hope your poor thumb is better soon, its dreadfully hard to pill cats.
Glad they are all enjoying the evening garden.
Pamela, sorry you are still feeling rough, hope you get sorted with your appointment.
It's quite ridiculous that the government says learn to live with covid but Dr's seem except.
I feel they are hiding behind it and not doing their jobs properly.

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