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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
21-03-2022, 07:12 AM   #1

Monday daily

Good morning ladies.
Monday early evening here and it's a miserable, rainy day out there.I haven't been doing anything at all over the last few days except worry about Dickens. I wish I could just calm down a bit and try to relax, but I can't.Anyway, Dickens is still on heaps of medication day and night and I'm crushing each of his tablets into a tiny bit of wet food, and forcing it into his mouth while Janna holds him. The frusemide is a liquid and he's not getting the full amount of that, as he's gagging on it and dribbling it out of his mouth. At least he's getting some of it. I'm doing the best I can, and I guess that's all anyone can do. He refuses the urinary food so I'm giving him anything he will eat, and he has actually started looking for food this morning for the first time. I'm giving him small amounts of RC kitten food in gravy, and he does lick all the gravy and leaves the lumpy bits.He's really after some dry food but I'm not allowed to give him any in case he blocks up again.I'm hoping that Michele can take him off some of his meds when I see her early next week again, because he feels sick when he has them all. There's just too many.. My hands are covered with scratches and bites because he fights me so much. His breathing ,which I have to monitor/record 4x per day is good so I don't think the fluid has built up in his lungs again. Michele will check for that anyway.I am giving him a few Temptations each day, which I shouldn't, but I figure that his life is hell at the moment and he really loves them and purrs like crazy when I rattle the bag. I just pray that his bladder doesn't block again.

PAMELA,I'm so pleased that your dad's neck lumps are nothing to worry about. It must have been a load of his mind, and yours. Thank goodness you're off on annual leave for a bit, after the worrying time you've had. I hope you have a lovely break. AND you're so lucky to be avoiding covid despite being around people with it.You must have some sort of natural immunity, my friend. I do hope your sister and niece are feeling a bit better now. I bet Steven and you loved the Amy McDonald concert on Friday night. How is Skye's eye now ? All better I hope.

SHELLEY, I hope the future of your local doll club is assured. it sounded a bit "ominous" when I heard you were getting together to discuss the future of the club.I hope you had a great time in Surrey over the weekend and enjoyed that doll fair. Did you see anything there that you simply HAD to buy ? I've taken note of the hairball paste tip for giving a cat a pill and if things get any worse, then I'll get some. I doubt if Dickens would lick it willingly though, as he is really terrified. I agree that pet insurance is so very expensive, and it only goes up with the age of the pet. I was paying $230 per month for Willow once she reached the age of 10 . She cost more than a smaller dog anyway, because of her breed, but it just kept going up and up.

Well ladies, I'm off to give poor Dickens his final pill for the evening.The poor cat is hiding in the back conservatory to avoid me. He's meant to have some more pain relief tonight as well but I'm going to leave that as he really doesn't need it.Thanks for listening to me rant on. It's just that I'm so worried about him.

Have a great Monday everyone.

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