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11-03-2022, 04:45 AM   #1

Frantic Friday

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
It's been a hot day here at 28 degrees but I haven't had time to moan about it. Poor Dickens has been very sick again. I
took him to the vet this morning as he had been trying to go to the toilet all night with no results and he was really in pain this morning. He was admitted to the hospital with a total bladder blockage and had to have a catheter inserted to drain his bladder. He had a scan , urine test and blood work done and again, crystals were found but no infection. I've just gone and picked him up now, along with a whole lot of pain relief and antibiotics and he can only have the urinary food from the vet. It makes it hard for the others, as I can't feed them anything else now. We are hoping that Dick is now able to use the litter box tonight but so far ,he hasn't.I'll have to keep him separate from Snoddy every night from now on.

My potassium levels came back normal again but my kidney function continues to drop and the doctor can't figure out why, as everything else appears normal. More tests in another week and hopefully there'll be an improvement.

PAMELA, I've been thinking about you, your dad and sister a lot and I'm hoping that you are all OK at this stressful time.

SHELLEY, I'm pleased that your kidney function is now back to normal again.I knew you'd enjoy that fair last weekend and I hope you found lots of bargains AND I'm thrilled that you kept one of the Steiff bears. I would have done the same, so good for you.

Well ladies, I'm off to find something for tea now and keep an eye on Dickens who is lying in the hallway.He's still a bit zonked out from all the sedation, but I'll see if he wants to go out on the back lawn tonight. That might help him a bit.

Have a good Friday and stay safe and warm.

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11-03-2022, 08:39 AM   #2

Re: Frantic Friday

Evening Dinky and morning Pamela.
Off work today so a dog walk later.
I'm going to a church social this evening, a quiz, entertainment, food and drinks.
I hope the Dr's get to the bottom of your kidney function problem. Don't think a reason was ever given for mine, it was around the time I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and bladder inflammation but don't think they were related.
Poor Dickens, can nothing be done about the crystals?
Pamela, I hope your dad is OK and that you are managing to cope, very best wishes to you all.

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11-03-2022, 09:31 AM   #3

Re: Frantic Friday

morning ladies, apologies for the lack of posts.

Dinky i do hope DIckens is ok, how worrying it must have been with him being kept in the vet. Keeping everything crossed he is doing ok.

I also hope that the doctors get to the bottom of the issues with your kidneys.

Shelley, enjoy your dog walk we are getting ready soon to take ours out for their walk. Your church quiz night sounds good. I do miss the quiz we used to have on here.

I have been in Birmingham for the last 3 days for work. Meetings and then our charity day on Wednesday which involved pulling up smaller silver birch trees as they damage the heathland habitat apparently!! Was a really good few days getting to meet colleagues for the first time as well. Glad to be home though!

Update on dad, he got home from hospital last night so as soon as i got back we went over to see him. He is doing ok. lots of new tablets to take and he has a heart echo scan tomorrow so will see what that brings up. My sister is still testing positive for covid at the moment and my 18yr old niece also now has it. My manager whom i was in contact with teh full 3 days tested positive when w=she got home last night so tests were done last night and this morning and thankfully i am still negative but will continue to test for a few days to make sure.

I have a wee day with Steven today so not sure what the plans are and we are going to teh motorbike show tomorrow which i am looking forward to.

Have great day and a great weekend

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