Henri is still not out of the woods so to speak, still has a sore eye and sneezing. Change of eye drops and new Antribiotics.
That was Friday afternoon.
Came home to find Jac sitting looking miserable, closer inspection revealed a closed mattery eye
I was in total disbelief. Bathed it in cooled boiled water and used a new tube of Fucithalmic eye ointment which was how Henri had first been treated. Had Jac to Vet this morning. He has same sore eyes as Henri and high temperature
. So much for my thinking vaccinations protected them. He too has the other
Eye drops (Maxitrol) as his third eyelids are badly swollen and the steroid in the drops will help reduce the swelling plus antibiotics. I had groomed Jac the night before and his eyes were ok. The vet said it can come on suddenly.
Then this evening little Misty mewed and she sounds decidedly hoarse and not quite herself.
Whilst at the vets I mentioned about Jac being so cautious generally, he has always been like this. Vet says he has very little or no sight in his left eye. The right she thinks is ok but has said if we want to she can refer him to a Specialist eye vet. I always suspected he had problems with his sight and this explains so much.
So... I'm just hoping no one else takes poorly