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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,911
02-08-2016, 07:36 AM   #1

It's tuesday

Morning everyone. It's s grey Tuesday here at the moment.

Not much happening. Had dogs out for a wall this morning before I had to head off for work. OH is off thud week and spending time packing things into boxes to make it easier for moving day.

I have agility with Mia tonight and she is doing great. I do have a couple of videos but they are by the trainer and I can't save thrm to my phone so I could post them. She is doing amazing!

Harris is also looking great! I weighed him yesterday and he is 3.3kg now. He actually looks like a big cat now!! Here's hoping it's a sign he is going to get a break from this illness. Skye is also doing well. Still very much a mummies girl and finally barney is just barney. He is 9 now so getting older ana a wee bit grumpy!!

Have a good day everyone 😀

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02-08-2016, 12:42 PM   #2

Re: It's tuesday

Good morning Pamela and anyone who may follow.It's Tuesday evening here and very windy after a coldish day. Snow and gales are forecast for the next few days unfortunately. Hopefully this will be the last month that I will be in temporary accommodation. My house has been repainted inside now, foundations repaired, roof fixed and cracked walls all replaced, but there are no bricks on any of the outside walls as yet. I can't wait to go back home and sleep in a bed again, instead of a narrow couch.

I had a new grand daughter born today in Nottingham, England ,to my son and his wife. They have named her Matilda and she is a sweet wee girl.I wish I could be there.

Pamela, you are lucky that your OH is off work and able to do some packing. Every little bit helps.Mia is making you proud, isn't she? She must be a great joy to you both.
I'm so pleased that Harris is continuing to do well and putting on weight.He'll soon be up to my Dickens who is now 6.8kg and counting.I'm sure that your boy's illness is a thing of the past and he will continue to make great progress. AND your other animals are doing fine as well. Poor grumpy Barney.!!! My Willow is also getting on at nearly 8, but is doing well apart from arthritis.

I hope you and Mia enjoy agility class tonight, Pamela. Stay warm. I'm off to bed now as it is nearly midnight.
Enjoy your Tuesday everyone.

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