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12-01-2015, 01:58 PM   #1

Just another Manic Monday

Lots of call to make today. Order a green bin form council. Ring shop to see if they have Snowflake cat litter, they do, hurrah. Ring Mum for numbers on back of Sunday Mail, bet she's recycled already. Forgot to do it yesterday. Order prescription for OH. Go get corn from corn merchants. Go get cat litter. Phew. Coffee now then let's go Cisco!!

Hope all are well and this posts, don't know how to copy and paste as has been suggested, can someone let me know please.

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12-01-2015, 02:58 PM   #2

Re: Just another Manic Monday

Hi FM, seems it worked You seem busy I had all sorts of plans but the weather stopped my gallop, could there be any more rain up there, I swear my hens are turning into ducks!!

Promised myself I'd go for an early swim but it was too dark and warm to think about it then when I got there the pool was closed- argh… !!

Taking Ceri for a hair cut later for as little hair as he has left, it costs a fortune to keep it trim every month, I should invest in those shaver things but he doesn't trust me

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12-01-2015, 03:09 PM   #3

Re: Just another Manic Monday

Originally Posted by fecto's mum
Lots of call to make today. Order a green bin form council. Ring shop to see if they have Snowflake cat litter, they do, hurrah. Ring Mum for numbers on back of Sunday Mail, bet she's recycled already. Forgot to do it yesterday. Order prescription for OH. Go get corn from corn merchants. Go get cat litter. Phew. Coffee now then let's go Cisco!!

Hope all are well and this posts, don't know how to copy and paste as has been suggested, can someone let me know please.
Hi FM to Copy and Paste .......

First Highlight the text you wish to copy

> ... Hold down CTR/Command key and C (that has copied your text)

> ... Go to where you wish to paste the text and click your mouse ..... then hold down CTR/Command key and V (that has pasted your text)

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cats' staff's Avatar
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12-01-2015, 03:10 PM   #4

Re: Just another Manic Monday

Hello both, you both sound busy! Oddly my OH doesn't trust me with clippers either.
It's pouring down again here- the fields are VERY wet and soggy around us. I'm busy writing some 'toolkits' for a client on evaluation and governance- apart from sneaking onto websites of course.
Hope you get your swim in soon PP. FM, I think you could type your post in Word then select the text, right click on the mouse and select 'copy' then open and click in the 'reply to thread box', right click and select 'paste'.

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12-01-2015, 04:02 PM   #5

Re: Just another Manic Monday

Hi everyone. If you don't have Microsoft Word, FM you could download Office free. http://www.openoffice.org/

Nasty overcast wet and windy day here. Lights on most of the day and it'll be getting dark early. OH is out this evening at agility training with Dora, so I'll be cosy by the fire with Monty Bogle, who actually did quite well at agility last Monday. I think OH intends to alternate them now.

Had a worrying while with Pip late last night. We always call the cats in before we go to bed, the dogs are in their crates and the cats have the run of the house. Pip was outside under the back of OH's car and there was another cat about, but he came in and I carried him past the dog crates into the room where the cats biscuits are, all fine. A short while later when I was getting ready for bed, Pip came in and he was sort of staggering, his back legs seemed not to be working normally although I couldn't really tell if it was one leg or both. I checked him over and could find no wound and neither did he react to my gentle probing. So we thought it was safe to leave him overnight and see how he was this morning. All seems fine, he is walking, jumping etc. quite normally. It reminded me to a much lesser degree of when Merlin had his minor stroke but that's all I can say really. I wonder if anyone has come across anything like that and what advice they would give? Anyway he seems OK now but I do have a nag in my mind that he may not be as well as I think he is .....

Hope all keep safe and dry today and during the coming week, forecast not so good.

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12-01-2015, 08:25 PM   #6

Re: Just another Manic Monday

evening all.
Angie, sorry about your scare with Pip and hope everything is fine now.
We had something with Jerry were he lost the use of his back legs and lay in what is called a meatloaf position, all legs tucked in and forehead on the floor if i remember rightly. When we took him to the vets he still couldn't walk and he didn't have any reflexed in the hind legs. He was diagnosed with potassium deficiency and was treated very successfully with human tablets . Worth bearing in mind if it happens again.
Been to visit my friend today and had a nice catch up although she is in very poor health and is worse at the moment.
Tomorrow i am going for a dolly day at another friends house.We meet up and talk doll as well as having a jacobs join and a swop sale table.

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