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Shelley123's Avatar
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16-05-2011, 09:56 AM   #1

miserable wet Monday

Horrible wet weather here and quite windy. Have we had summer ??
Just me Jerry, Malaika and Kwame in the house, no other humans.
Howard at work, he phoned earlier to say the brakes have gone on his van
The clutch has a problem on the car so that's with the mechanic on wed
Just glad he's ok.
Chris is at the day centre and my eldest son has returned to his flat after spending the weekend with us.

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angieh's Avatar
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16-05-2011, 10:16 AM   #2

Re: miserable wet Monday

Hi Shelley - Good Morning! Not sounding very good though for you. Sorry about the cars - awful when it all goes at the same time. Reminds me I must call the washing machine man this morning.

Not raining here .... but d**n chilly. I have a winter jumper on this morning and am seriously considering thick socks and winter boots. The local radio said that it's going to warm up this afternoon and may get to 18C - which would be nice. Had to put the heating on yesterday afternoon. OH said that it was warm, but his brother phoned and told us he'd just put the heating on too. After that lovely hot weather in April - I hear the government is planning for drought later in the year.

OH is playing golf today so I will be looking after Monty Bogle. He's being good so far today. We will be able to take him out on Thursday this week ..... hooray! Need to plan how long he will be able to walk for, being as he is still a young pup. Any advice would be welcome!

Hope Eileen enjoyed her Chinese last night and is gradually feeling a little better each day.

Have a good day peeps.

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16-05-2011, 10:58 AM   #3

Re: miserable wet Monday

Morning all.
Sounds nice Shelley a people free day. enjoy. Sorry about the cars one of those things but irritating.

Angie have answered your Monty question in other animals.
Have a good day I have not had to put my heating on, maybe something to come.

Off to hospital with Dad check up from vascular surgeon 12 months now since his Abdominal aortic aneurysm was operated on his AAA .....time flies. Year of Ops all round last year this year all the check ups.

May get my hair cut too was thinking of growing it but its so thick it is irritating me.

Got to go see you later.

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16-05-2011, 11:06 AM   #4

Re: miserable wet Monday

Hello Shelley and Angie, went into school this morning for my 9.00am Spanish lesson. You have to get there before 8.15 or you can't find a parking space, and guess what, no-one had told me that the whole year group was doing an English exam so there was no class today! I stayed for my usual amount of time and I'll be claiming on my time-sheet for being there. There's also an exam on Wednesday afternoon so I'll just stay at home then.

Angie re walking puppies - the standard rule as I understand it is 5 minutes per month of age, so a 3 month old can have a 15 minute walk. He can have this a couple of times a day, walking on a lead is quite stressful for young joints and growth plates. If he's off-lead it's not so stressful, after all they race around in the garden so for instance in our case it was a 5 minute walk to the woods, about 10-12 minutes off lead in the woods and then 5 minutes on lead back to the house. It's a good idea to let him off the lead from the very first walk in a safe place, they tend not to go far away from you as they're a bit wary and you're their safety blanket, it also means you can start practising and treating his recall

Hi Kazz too!

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16-05-2011, 11:44 AM   #5

Re: miserable wet Monday

Morning Shelley, Angie, Kazz and MrsH

Weather not too bad here although its very windy and occassionally raining.

Shelley, your house sounds good today Hope you get both cars fixed.

Kazz, hope you dad gets on ok at teh hospital.

Bet your looking forward to being able to take monty out for a walk angie Im a tad jealous of your OH for being out playing golf. I havent played in months

MrsH, not soo good your class was cancelled without you being told but at least you got the morning off

Im not upto much today. Had a lay in then got woken up by Harris. Was also woken up at 5am this morn by Skye meowing at me which is something she has never done at that tim in the morning. Think something must have spooked her because she settled when i petted her. We did have a strange encounter in the house last night though!! We were in the livingroom watching TV and heard water running. The hot water tap in the bathroom which we hadnt used had turned itself on!!!! Strange!!!!

Heading to the gym later

Have a great day everyone and all those who follow x

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16-05-2011, 12:50 PM   #6

Re: miserable wet Monday

Hello all, first time on these threads- just wanted to say hi. I've snuck onto catsey in my lunch hour as I have spent the morning on spreadsheets and a powerpoint- yeuch. We have to do presentations on how our areas performed last year, how we predict we'll do this etc etc etc- crystal ball anyone?

We had a pathetic amount of rain this morning. It hasn't really rained for 2.5 months and my allotment has set (it is clay!). I spent yesterday trying to sort some beds out but I can't even earth up the spuds as the ground is too hard. I may need a crowbar to harvest. Oh well, at least it gives me some exercise and fresh air.

I hope the mechanics works out- I hate when cars go wrong as they are too comlicated to fix these days without a computer! Hope the hospital appointment goes well and that things dry out and warm up for all who want it dryer (send me the rain- I'd be happy!)

back to the spreadsheets........

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16-05-2011, 12:56 PM   #7

Re: miserable wet Monday

Good to see you here cats' staff! Things are very dry here too. Poor you trying to garden on clay.

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16-05-2011, 03:06 PM   #8

Re: miserable wet Monday

hi, all. it's been raining here a steady good number of days now..so also quite miserably wet and yucky.
re-reading classic herriot and been staying warm and dry and watching movies and tending animals.
a call in to the vet- Cooper had seemed like he was improving but he's regressing a bit so i wonder if we should increase his meds dosage or she'd like to see him back?
my dad's recheck on kidney's is in 10 days. he's changed his diet and meds around and he says the swelling in his ankles has gone down so he feels it may be working and a transplant can be put off longer..we'll know more on the 26th though..
Hestia's been eating heartily so I feel better about her..
I've been sleeping quite odd hours, I had a med change and I'm all mixed up now. Hope the side effects wear off soon..
have a good day all...

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16-05-2011, 03:59 PM   #9

Re: miserable wet Monday

Hi all! Mixed up weather: supposed to be cloudy and rain, but it's sunny and 20 C (67 F). Been working on boxing up books we're giving away this morning; am on 6th box and that's the tip of the iceberg! It takes me a while, still rather weak, but getting there. Chinese dinner was excellent last night! .

Cats'staff, glad you found the Daily; always nice to touch base and see what everyone's doing. Tink, good news about Dad and Hestia, hope Cooper will be OK; MrsH, pity, but you'll be paid. Shelley, sorry about the cars. Pamela, that's weird about the tap! Angie, hope the walk goes well.

Enjoy the day, hope it warms up a bit for you .... heating in mid May!!

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Shelley123's Avatar
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16-05-2011, 04:17 PM   #10

Re: miserable wet Monday

back again everyone, Angie and Cats staff you can have some of our rain, it's still at it here
My nice morning was interrupted, poor Howard had to get the RAC out to his van and they towed him to Chorley to the mechanics, i had to drive over and meet him, we then had to go back to where he was working so he could finish off. The mechanic is going to try and look at the van tomorrow, if we get it back, then the car can keep it's appointment with him on wednesday. Although the clutch pedal has broken we can still change gear.

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