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12-04-2022, 05:53 AM   #1

Tuesday Daily.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley.
It's a lovely sunny afternoon here now ,but was raining earlier. Dickens is lying on the computer desk beside me here. He's had all his horrid meds this morning early, and only has to have one more pill tonight, so he's happy . Normally he won't come near me now, because he thinks I'm going to shove something down his throat, but he seems to be mellowing a bit.

Janna and i went down to the local mall and did heaps of shopping this morning. I had to go down anyway as I needed more blood tests to check on potassium / sodium levels in my blood.
I managed to get most of what we needed, but gosh, everything is so expensive now and I certainly try to watch what I buy. Hopefully it's a bit better in the UK for you.

Conservatory carpet seems to be drying out a bit now and it doesn't smell quite so bad. Thanks for the tip about the dehumidifier, Pamela. I do have one but it's in the garage, hidden among my cousin's stuff and
we can't even see it, let alone get to it.

Oops, I just tickled Dick's ears and he freaked and jumped down. I
should have left him alone, as he's very wary of my hands now.

PAMELA, sounds as if you had a wonderful, relaxing day on Sunday.How nice to catch up with an old school friend. Hopefully you might be able to see her more often in the future. AND I'm glad you were able to put some flowers on your mum's tree and also see your dad and sister. I hope they are both well. and I hope that your cough is now a lot better. That chinese takeaway for tea must have been yummy. What a lovely end to a perfect day for you.

SHELLEY, I do hope that you managed to find that new walk at the nature reserve on Sunday and enjoyed your picnic there.Yes, you will be missing all the Easter services at church, but it's also equally important to get away on holiday and relax. There will be other services that you can attend. I do hope Howard is now over the worst of his virus and he, too, is able to enjoy his holiday.You will all be looking forward to going out for a meal together on Good Friday .AND I'm pleased that your dad is starting to feel a bit better now as well..

Well ladies,I'm now going to clean out some litter boxes - how I love that job. I've ordered the favourite cat litter online, but it hasn't arrived as yet. Cats will not be happy. We bought them some bags of a cheaper litter from the Warehouse this morning and I'm praying that they'll use it. Wish me luck.

Have a wonderful Tuesday and stay safe.

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12-04-2022, 08:38 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Hello, good luck with the litter trays Dinky, lol.
Yes we found the reserve on Sunday and there are approx 4 trails.
We combined two for a 2 hour walk and picnic, was lovely and we didn't see another soul.
Howard had a faintine on his test but hasn't done another for a few days, thinking he will be negative now.
My cousins husband tested positive so he no doubt caught it from Howard when they visited our van at the beginning of the holiday, he has symptoms of a heavy cold.
Yesterday, Chris and myself joined a beach clean, it's surprising, the beach didn't look too bad until we started.
However once finished it looked even better.
Pamela, how lovely that you met up with your friend, a true friend is one you can just pick up where you left off.
Glad you saw your dad and sister.
Dinky, hope Dickens becomes more conditioned to the pill giving as time goes on.
RE cost of living, it's gone up horribly here too, resteraunt prices hiked up, food, fuel and energy, shocking.

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12-04-2022, 09:04 PM   #3

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Good evening ladies,

Dinky, i know the feeling with cleaning the litter trays! Never a pleasant job!! Glad you managed to get the shopping you needed. The prices of everything are going up here as well. I feel for the people who struggle to get everything they need especially now that the prices are higher.

Shelley, sorry to hear your cousins have now tested positive, i do hope they are ok. Fingers crossed Howard is now negative. The beach clean sound good, i suppose you never realise how bad something is until you start cleaning.

I was in the office today which was actually quite nice to be around company. The team are looking at possibly going in every Tuesday now which i would be quite happy to do to get out the house for a day and it would be good for the dogs to be on their own in the house with Steven popping in at lunch.

Steven and i went for dinner tonight as today is 12 years since our first date and everything just clicked between us. Meal was lovely, now just sitting relaxing before heading to bed soon. I am meeting my dad at the transport museum tomorrow for a wander round as its been years since i have been there and thought it might be a nice day out for us

Hope you both have a lovely evening

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