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30-03-2022, 05:11 AM   #1

Wednesday Daily

Good morning ladies
Wednesday afternoon and a mild day. Not a lot of sun though, which is just how I like it.I've had a busy day.Dickens went to see Michele this morning and his urine sample is clear for the first time - no blood, no infection, no crystals, no stones.He's using the litter box normally and I'm thrilled. He has lost over half a kg in weight, though ,in a fortnight, because he is not eating. Michele told me to give him some dry food now if he wants it. I'll only give him a wee bit because I still want him to eat mainly wet food for his bladder problem, but I can't see him hungry and looking for his cat biscuits all the time.I might give him a small plate of dry biscuits at night only and keep on offering the wet food during the day. I can't afford to have his bladder block up again.For his heart meds, he is now on frusemide liquid only once a day instead of twice, thank goodness, and he's on a pill to prevent blood clots once a day as well. Apart from that ,he remains on a cystaid capsule twice a day for his bladder. That capsule doesn't seem to cause any problem - I can mix the contents with a bit of wet food and place it in his mouth, but it's the wee pill for blood clots that tastes revolting if it doesn't go straight down his throat.

This afternoon, I went to have a blood pressure check, which was normal (amazingly so), bought a huge sized bacon and egg pie for tea, and came home to find I have an appointment for a kidney scan on May 3rd, so not too long to wait.Hopefully it doesn't involve any needles.

Brenna flew to Adelaide, Australia, this morning, to attend the wedding of her school friend, Tatiana. Tatiana who has just completed a PhD in biochemistry at Adelaide University, was one of Brenna's bridesmaids, and so Brenna is going to be Matron of Honour at her wedding now.She's staying there until Sunday evening. Lots of covid in Adelaide at the moment and Brenna isn't boostered, although she has had her 2 vaccinations.

SHELLEY,, how lucky you are to have a brook at the end of your garden.It must be so relaxing to sit down there on a summer's evening and listen to the birds.AND after all that power walking, you'll certainly feel the need to relax !!! Not long now before you'll be in Scotland. I bet you can't wait.

PAMELA, thinking of you, your dad and of course Skye a lot. I hope you are OK, my friend and you get some good news about your dad and wee Skye soon.

Well I'm off to do a few dishes. Janna is out on a delivery, but shouldn't be too much longer. I think we'll take Dickens outside for 15 minutes tonight. I haven't let him go out for the last fortnight and that meant that the others couldn't go out either, and they would all line up by the door, Dickens included, every night and cry to go out on the back lawn.They'll certainly enjoy it tonight.

Have a good Wednesday, and may the sun shine for you both.

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30-03-2022, 09:09 AM   #2

Re: Wednesday Daily

Hello ladies.
Dinky, great that you have good news about Dickens and yourself
I agree about the biscuits, you can't see him starve.
Great that you have a scan date, I had a kidney ultrasound and that was OK.
You will be glad when done.
Yesterday was Chris's 34th birthday, we took him and a friend bowling.
Day off today, so a dog walk and housework.
May treat myself and watch TV during the day.
Pamela, hope your dad is OK and everything else.
Thinking of you x

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30-03-2022, 05:58 PM   #3

Re: Wednesday Daily

Evening ladies, sorry i have been absent from the forum. I have been out as much as i can looking for my darling girl but no luck as yet. I am soo worried about her. I found somewhere today i have a feeling about so i am going to keep an eye there. I did put some food out for an hour or so but it wasnt touched but she may not feel safe coming out during the day. I have also been unwell but thankfully not covid.

Dinky, definitely give Dickens what he will eat within reason. Will he eat cooked chicken or ham? I also hope the doctors can get to the bottom of your health issues.

Shelley, i hope Chris had a lovely birthday and that you enjoyed your day off today

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