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16-03-2022, 10:58 PM   #1

Thursday daily.

Good morning ladies
Not sure what time it is over there ,but it's just after 10am here and a cool day, but not raining.Sorry I haven't been on the forum for a few days, as I've been having a terrible time with Dickens. Sadly it's not good news at all. After I bought Dickens home from the vet on Friday, he was OK Fri night and Saturday morning ,but them his bladder re-blocked again. Saturday night I had to take him to the After hours Emergency clinic and they picked up that he was in heart failure as well.Long story short, he has been spending his days at my vet clinic and his nights at the After hours ,being monitored. I may be lucky if I have him for up to 18 months.He is home now on lots of medication for his heart and bladder but won't eat a thing and is very difficult to medicate, very very stressed and terrified of me. I crush pills and mix with food and put them in his mouth and he fights and bites and scratches and spits most of it out. The heart meds to draw water out of his lungs is a liquid and he gags on it and then dribbles a lot of it out. It's a nightmare. I want to give him every chance possible, but I hate seeing him like this. I have to measure and record his breathing rate throughout the day and apart from when I've stressed him out through trying to medicate him, it is within the normal range, so he must be getting some of the frusemide heart med anyway. Janna sleeps in the lounge with him at night and keeps checking on him and makes sure he's going to the toilet.We're just taking one day at a time with him to see if he improves. I pray that he will and he starts to eat a little soon.However one side of his heart is enlarged and the prognosis is not good.So far at least, his lungs have not filled with fluid again and as he is now on a diueretic to keep them clear, and providing I can get him to take it, I may have him for a while still. I do hope so.

I'm having my blood tests again tomorrow so may know something about my kidney function then. At the moment ,I'm feeling so numb about Dickens that I can't think of anything else.

PAMELA, been reading all your news and I'm really pleased that your dad is home again. Home is always the best place to be.I hope his heart echo scan went well and the results were all good.Sorry about your sister still testing positive for covid and now your niece and manager as well.Thank goodness you are still negative but I'm glad that you're continuing to test yourself as a precaution.I'm pleased that you finally got a back protector for your jacket. I know you were after one of those. AND a nice new helmet too. Lots of freebies is always good so I hope you managed to get a few of those as well. Also, I hope Skye's eye is now all better and she's back to normal again.

SHELLEY, that church social of your last week must have been fun. I wish our church did things like that but unfortunately because of our high covid cases, all that sort of thing had to stop.Wow, your son is so lucky winning three raffle prizes on the night. AND lucky you and Howard for having to "help" him put that wine to good use. You certainly can't waste it. ! I hope Kwame's tummy is completely settled now and she, like Skye, is back to normal and I also hope that Chris has recovered from his covid experience. There's a lot of research going on now about long covid and it's effects, which can be pretty devastating for some people. That's just an extra thing we all have to worry about.

Well ladies, I'll go and offer Dickens a wee bit of food, but he'll probably run from me.If he's resting, I'll note his breathing rate and just talk quietly to him. I'll keep you all updated.

Have a good Thursday ladies.

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17-03-2022, 08:05 AM   #2

Re: Thursday daily.

Hi ladies, just a quickie as I've got to get ready for work.
Dinky, so sorry to hear about Dickens, re medication.
Have you tried furball paste to put the pills in.
That was the only way I could medicate ours.
It was made by beapher I think and they loved it.
I'm thinking of you all and hope you manage some answers re your kidney function.
Pamela, hope your dad's echo went well.
I loved the cats mission you posted, thank you.

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17-03-2022, 06:56 PM   #3

Re: Thursday daily.

Evening Ladies,

Dinky i am sorry to hear about Dickens i do hope he will eat the urinary food for you and you find something that will get him to take his tablets for you. Thinking of you x That is so good of Janna to stay with him during the night. I will keep everything crossed for you and DIckens

Shelley, how was work today? I do hope you had a good day.

Dad didnt get hs heart echo, he had an appointment for the lumps in his neck, he got his appointments mixed up. I took him for a biopsy on Wednesday but thankfully they only gave him an ultrasound and found that the lumps are only fatty tissue so that is a relief. I am off on annual leave just now but went into work to help with a task today as the others who can do it have covid which i again have managed to avoid. Hubby and i are going o see Amy McDonald tomorrow night which i am really looking forward to.

Shelley, i thought the post was really nice and couldnt resist posting it to give everyone a smile

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