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31-07-2009, 11:26 PM   #1

I am a terrible mummy

Today at 3.30 I took the dogs out for a quick walk before I collected my daughter, Rachel from work. Once outside the door Rudy (our greyhound) started screaming, I wondered what on earth had happened and then I realised ......... I had caught his tail in the door. The end of his tail was obviously broken and hanging on by a thread, bone protruding and beeding. Rudy stopped screaming immediately I released his tail and seemed okay, despite the injury and even jumped in the car (there is no way I could have lifted him in) I fetched Rachel and we rushed him to the vets. The vet was fab, operated immediately and he was home by 7, albeit very groggy indeed. He is drugged up and bandaged up, but he did eat a chicken and rice tea. He seems okay despite his ordeal, but I feel absolutely terrible and couldn't help crying at the vets. Rach was fab - talk about role reversal!
Oh and the op cost £416 - thank goodness for insurance!

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31-07-2009, 11:52 PM   #2

Re: I am a terrible mummy

OMG, Kim, how horrible for you both, but it was an accident! Not your fault; the exact same thing happened to me years ago...I was carrying my Siamese boy in from his walk,... slammed the door shut and his tail was in it. He let out the most awful screech and leaped from my arms and actually hung a moment from his tail till I could open the door. Fortunately it did not result in a break in my case, but it left me very shaken and he had a very sore tail for a while. I've never told anyone that story before; hope it makes you feel a little less guilty. Poor Rudy, give him a gentle hug from another bad mom!

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01-08-2009, 08:01 AM   #3

Re: I am a terrible mummy

Oh, poor you and poor Rudy, that's awful.
As dandysmom says though, there are such things as genuine accidents (despite what some solicitors would have us believe ) and this was one of them.

Try not to beat yourself up, Rudy will forgive you, dogs are good like that ....... as long as there's always some tasty tucker on offer.

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01-08-2009, 08:20 AM   #4

Re: I am a terrible mummy

Oh dear Kim, hugs to you and Rudy. I can imagine the guilt you must feel but I'm sure Rudy wont hold it against you. xxx

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01-08-2009, 09:17 AM   #5

Re: I am a terrible mummy

Thats brought back memories, glad he is better its a shock isn't it and insurance is a god send...but that does not seem a lot actually for emergency surgery...has he still got all his tail?

I shut Oscars tail in the door more than once his tail wa just too long and expressive always the hinge part of the door I closed it in too....I used to spend all my time after saying "watch your tail,where's your tail" I never managed to break his tail and he never learnt to move it.

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01-08-2009, 12:13 PM   #6

Re: I am a terrible mummy

Oh dear, what a shock for you Kim, I bet you almost felt his pain yourself Don't blame yourself as it was an unfortunate accident (((hugs)))

Did the vet manage to save the end of Rudy's tail?

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01-08-2009, 01:41 PM   #7

Re: I am a terrible mummy

That must of been a huge shock. Glad he's back home now on the mend.

My friend once went to shut the kitchen door and her cat was walking through, she caught her cats head in between the door and door frame. I saw it all but I was froze and couldn't say 'don't close the door' (I still feel guilty about that) The poor cat let out a very loud scream. Luckily she didn't need to go to the vets.

Accidents happen.

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01-08-2009, 10:58 PM   #8

Re: I am a terrible mummy

Thank-you all for your really lovely replies, it means so much and helps a lot.

Rudy does seem much better today. He didn't have a good night though, his tummy was very 'rumbly' and he asked to go out 4 times during the night, I must be the lighter sleeper as I got up for 3 of those! His tummy seems much better now though, it was probably an effect of the anaesthetic. I bought him a whole cooked chicken today and boiled some rice and he ate every single bit! He hasn't wanted to go for a walk and that's fine, I would prefer him to be at home to recover for a couple of days. His wound is really quite bloody though, he has an appointment at the vets on Monday. Bless him, he is being very brave and getting lots of extra fuss & treats.

I know accidents happen, but I keep seeing his wound in my mind, it was very nasty. In fact Rachel felt quite faint and had to leave the vet surgery and go to the waiting room. I know I shall be extra careful in future.

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01-08-2009, 11:08 PM   #9

Re: I am a terrible mummy

Originally Posted by Kazz
Thats brought back memories, glad he is better its a shock isn't it and insurance is a god send...but that does not seem a lot actually for emergency surgery...has he still got all his tail?

I shut Oscars tail in the door more than once his tail wa just too long and expressive always the hinge part of the door I closed it in too....I used to spend all my time after saying "watch your tail,where's your tail" I never managed to break his tail and he never learnt to move it.
Sorry Kazz, forgot to answer your question. Sadly, the end of his tail had to be amputated as it was literally hanging off and broken bone exposed. He has part of his his tail in a plastic tube to protect it and it is bandaged, so I don't know exactly how much was removed. He did have an unusually long tail though!

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01-08-2009, 11:11 PM   #10

Re: I am a terrible mummy

Poor Rudy - but as the others have said Kim, it was an accident. Sorry both you and he had a poor night, I hope tonight will be better for you both.

(I once caught a friend's hand in a car door - that was awful)

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