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16-12-2014, 08:23 AM   #1


Morning everyone.

Still pretty dark up here this morning so no idea what the weather is going to be like! Just getting ready to head to work. OH is taking me in as he is off today. Also got an early finish at 230pm as i had the last of my holidays to use.

Finally got my tree up last night after starting it on Sunday but only getting as far as putting the lights on. Barney also got his christmas hair cut yesterday so he is looking half the size he was as he had soo much fur!! Harris has also already had a go at the tinsel on the tree, he likes to eat it then be sick!! We do everything we can to stop it but think he does it when we are out.

Hope everyone has a lovely day

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cats' staff's Avatar
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16-12-2014, 09:21 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday

Morning Pamela and those to follow. It's frosty here and the cats have been out and quickly returned! OH has a stinking cold and has been coughing and spluttering all night so we are both tired. I've just rung his work to say he's not going in.
Our tree is up but looks a big lopsided. We were horrified at most prices (I'm not paying over £60!) and nearly ended up with an artificial tree but found somewhere with smaller, traditional pines so we have a tree that I think is lovely but a bit small for the stand so it has slumped.
Tolly has batted at the tree a little but Smudge and Cleo have ignored it. I do like a real tree- the smell is just lovely.

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16-12-2014, 11:37 AM   #3

Re: Tuesday

Good morning Pamela, cats' staff and all to follow. Been a lovely warm day here but is meant to rain tomorrow. The quakes have subsided - only 2 today- and the cats are much happier. I'm sitting here in the lounge with Damon Bird who is having a fly around safely. All cats are in bed for the night.

Pamela, lucky you finishing work early. Barney must look good after his hair cut. My kitties love attacking the xmas tree too, but as yet they haven't eaten the tinsel.At least Harris is able to bring it up again !!!!!

Cats' staff, hope your OH feels a bit better todayThere's nothing worse than coughing all night and being unable to sleep. Yes, the scent of a real xmas tree is beautiful, but we have to have an artificial one because the scent of a real one is too overpowering for our wee bird.

Hope everyone has a great day and stays warm. I'm off to bed shortly.

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Shelley123's Avatar
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16-12-2014, 07:10 PM   #4

Re: Tuesday

evening all.
Had a busy day, i went to Preston this morning and found a very nice blue glass unicorn on the carboot for 50p, also an anne frank book from the anne Frank house in amasterdam for £1.00. Got the last of the christmas presents too.
Off to yoga soon, hopeing for a nice relaxing session and a zen walk.
Dinky, i;m glad the quakes have calmed down, have a good sleep.
Pamela, glad you have got your tree up.
CS, yes real trees are lovely but have gone terribly expensive.

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16-12-2014, 11:01 PM   #5

Re: Tuesday

Evening all. Daren't really risk a tree with Huggins, he's a bit too energetic at the moment. Maybe next year. Swirly eats tinsel then is sick so I have to try and keep it out of reach. Put some window stickers up today and finished my first lot of cards for friends at the meeting tomorrow. I'm bound to have forgotten someone so I'm taking extra with me. Managed to get a lovely frame for a cross stitch rose I've done for a friend on Gozo. Will post that tomorrow, late I know. Got a great present from her, a pets first aid kit. How clever is that? We also got a tin for the cat treats as well, very handy to have them all in one place. Hope all are well and warm and safe, specially Dinky. Special furry kisses from Barnaby.

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16-12-2014, 11:29 PM   #6

Re: Tuesday

Evening all ...... busy day here too. Went out to tea this afternoon with a couple of friends, very nice too although one lady was not feeling very well and I shall be sad to catch her cold ...... I sometimes feel a bit like Peter Pumpkin-Eater's wife and do try and keep away from winter germs. Came home and took Echinacea. Fingers crossed.

Doggie Christmas party tomorrow evening!

Hope all are well and safe - both mine are outdoors atm and it's pouring with rain, so I'll have the kitchen towel on standby when they come in.

Think we could do with some more pics of Huggins and the rest of your gang, FM!

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