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17-04-2022, 06:05 AM   #1

Easter Sunday

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
Sunday afternoon here and after a rainy morning, the sun is now shining, although it's not really warm. I've had a great day eating chocolate Ester eggs ,which isn't really very good for me, but gosh, they're yummy. I only have chocolate at Easter time anyway. (usually). Janna and i have been sitting watching Party of Five DVDs all afternoon, which suprisingly, I have enjoyed. Brenna is back home and has spent the day trying to calm a very frightened wee puppy, which spent the night crying and could not be settled. The children are not allowed to touch it, or pick it up, which I'm pleased about and have to be quiet when near it. It has come from a very quiet home and isn't used to a lot of people or noise and is very frightened. Hopefully it will soon settle down, the poor wee thing. The kitten is curious about him, but the pup is terrified of the kitten at this early stage.

Thanks for your suggestion regarding soaking the dry food in water first and then giving it to Dickens. I have tried that, but it's still a "no go" with him. He just doesn't like wet food. I'm giving him kitten biscuits and temptations now as he's lost so much weight, and he'll eat them. Luckily he will drink filtered water, which is always available because the frusemide he is on is a diuretic and makes him thirsty. I always offer him wet food throughout the day as well, and sometimes he'll lick a bit of it, if I'm lucky, and he'll lick all the gravy from the urinary wet food throughout the night, so I have to be content with that. At least he's still using the litter box OK.

PAMELA, I hope that your stall at the dog show went well for you yesterday. How nice that your niece was able to join you. It's always better with a bit of company. Those doggy hampers sound marvellous. I hope you sold them both,and made a bit of a profit.

SHELLEY, I hope you managed to find Knockman Woods and enjoy your walk there with the dogs.I'm glad that you were all able to enjoy your meal out on Friday night. You were lucky to find a place that was open. Nothing here was open at all on Friday. It will be sad to leave Scotland tomorrow, but it's always nice to get home again and sleep in your own bed. I hope you have a safe trip back tomorrow and don't get too much traffic on the roads.

Well I hope everyone has a lovely Easter Sunday and enjoys at least one or two (or three} chocolate eggs

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17-04-2022, 08:18 AM   #2

Re: Easter Sunday

Good morning Dinky and happy Easter ladies

I do hope the pup settles soon Dinky, it is a huge change for him but i am sure he will get there especially if Brenna isnt letting the kids lift him and having to be quiet around him. What kind of Easter egg did you have? I got Steven a Reeses chocolate one and a wispa one for me as he is a nightmare for buying things like that!! Like you im not a huge chocolate fan but i do love easter egg chocolate but it has to be cadburys chocolate!!

Glad to hear that DIckens is still using the litter tray ok. I really hope he starts eating a little bit more for you.

Shelley ho was your walk yesterday? I hope you enjoyed. Are you doing anything today?

The show yesterday wasnt very good. I took 23 mats and sold 3!! it was also quite cold. The show was really busy but it was also an agricultural show so although there was a dog show, it was focussed on cows and horses. Also didnt sell the hampers. I will sell the snuffle mats online or get in contact with the 2 shops that have ordered large orders from me before.

We are going to my dads for dinner today. He is serving lamb, roast potatoes and who knows what else he will put on!!

Have a lovely day ladies and happy Easter

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17-04-2022, 08:33 AM   #3

Re: Easter Sunday

Happy Easter.
The walk went well yesterday, we ended up doing 5 1/2 miles on two walks.
Priveledged to see two lovely hares.
Going to a tiny carboot soon in the village of port william and run by pirsac, inshore lifeboat.
Pamela, what a shame you didn't sell much, your stall looked great.
Enjoy your dinner with dad.
Dinky, so pleased Dickens is using the tray.
Hopefully that little pup will settle soon, such a big wrench for them leaving everything they've known.

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