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02-04-2022, 04:37 AM   #1

Saturday daily.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley and welcome to the weekend. It's beautifully sunny here today, but not too hot, so I'm happy. The washing line is full and everything is drying nicely. Again, I haven't been doing much, but shortly I'll go and steam clean the floor of the cats bedroom. My cousin hasn't been round for a few weeks now because we have very high covid numbers here in Christchurch and people are being told not to socialize unless it's absolutely necessary. I'm quite grateful really, because she isn't very good about wearing a mask when she goes out and when she does wear one, it's far too lose. I did offer to buy her a few of the F2 masks that we wear, but she said no, so I give up. Dickens is lying by the security door, looking out. He's had all his meds and only needs one more pill tonight. I was so worried that he hadn't used his litter box all day, but a couple of minutes ago, he had a big drink of water ,then went into his litter box and produced the desired result.. Thank goodness. He's still not eating the wet food I'm offering ,but will eat Temptations and kitten biscuits. I limit him to only a few of them at a time and I know he's constantly hungry, but there's not much I can do about it.I've got wet food down for him all the time, but Miracle tends to eat it. She's getting to be the size of 20 houses !!!!!

Janna has just been down to the local mall to pick up some free RATs tests. Each person is entitled to 5 free tests at the moment and I figure anything free is good.We don't need them, but it's better to have them on hand in case we do.

My niece is very unwell at the moment with covid symptoms, but is testing negative. Mary ,my sister,feels OK and Peter ,my brother- in- law, is not happy because he is meant to be having a knee operation on Wednesday. Their house isn't very big and so it's impossible for Becca to keep away from her mum and dad. Probably too late now anyway, if she does have covid.

Chicken and corn soup for tea tonight with wholemeal toast fingers. I've just had 2 chocolate biscuits so I'm not really very hungry. So much for following a renal diet, eh ?

PAMELA, I'm so pleased that Skye is exactly where she needs to be - on your bed, cuddled up to you. Yes, I bet you are now having a
great sleep again. The poor wee girl must have had a heck of a fright if she's not letting you out of her sight now. Oh, if only she could talk and tell you what happened. I'm sorry you've got a bad cold. Getting out in the sun and having lunch will hopefully help you feel a bit better. Are you still planning a trip to Edinburgh today to see your dad ? I guess it depends how you are feeling. How great that your dad is now out of hospital and going to Romania with his friend. Wow, he's brave, especially when he has been so sick.I guess it must be a good sign that he feels well enough to travel. Anyway, if he does go, I hope he has a safe trip and enjoys himself.

SHELLEY, I hope you have a safe journey to Scotland today and have beautiful weather when you arrive.How lovely if you are able to meet up with Pamela at some stage. I'll try and get there too, and we can all have a good catch up. !!! Thanks for letting me know about your ultrasound involving no dye. I had that done ages ago and it was really painful. Can't even remember now what it was for, but at least now I know that my kidney scan won't involve another injection of that horrid stuff. AND I'm so sorry about your dad's poor dog. Ouch, that must be so painful, having an abscess behind his eye. I'm glad your dad is getting vet treatment for him, and hopefully they can alleviate his symptoms.Your dad will be so worried about his best mate. We'll be praying for the poor boy, so please let us know how he's getting on.

Well ladies, I'm off to do the cats bedroom.Have a wonderful Saturday, enjoy the lovely sunny weather and travel safe to Scotland, Shelley, and to Edinburgh, Pamela.(if you feel well enough to go.)

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02-04-2022, 08:40 AM   #2

Re: Saturday daily.

Hello ladies,
Just catching up on the way to Scotland.
Dad has more treatment for Reuben eyes, abscess still there and likely glaucoma too.
Will see him again in a week.
Reuben OK in himself, eating well and lively for a 15 Yr old.
I rang to arrange a respiratory appointment for 5he 3rd time on Monday as I'd not been checked for over a year.
Yesterday I had a phone consultation and it didn't go as expected.
I'm mostly symptom free from sarcoid so expected to be asked questions and another appointment in 6 months.
It was a different consultant and he was fixated on the fact that there were no results for a blood test in 2021,he seemed to think I'd not done as told.
I kept reiterating that if I'd been asked I'd have gone.
Also said I should have been seen in clinic around Sept 21.
Again no appointment was received.
Anyway he's sending me a blood test form and a clinic appointment for 8 weeks.
He wanted me to have an up to date xray but I've asked to wait to see what blood results say.
Woke up in the night, still annoyed.
Pamela, so glad Skye is safe.
Hope you feel better soon, I've had something resembling a cold that doesn't develop for weeks now.
Fancy your dad going to Romania, hope he has a great time.
Yes we will have to meet, maybe half way?
Dinky, hope your nice is better soon and your BIL gets his op.

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02-04-2022, 11:34 AM   #3

Re: Saturday daily.

Good morning ladies.

Dinky, glad Dickens is continuing to eat his biscuits. I think i would be the same about your cousin if she isnt very good with masks especially if the cases are high. I also hope your niece is ok.

Shelley have a safe trip to the caravan. I hope you have a lovely time. Do you know, i wouldnt even know where halfway between here and stranraer is!! How frustrating with teh doctor, im not surprised you are annoyed!

We are heading into Edinburgh shortly on the train to go and meet dad before he heads to the airport. Cant be bothered driving through so its easier to get the train. He is away for 3 or 4 days. He is going with his friend so he will be fine.

Not much else happening to be honest. Skye is definitely happy to be home. Had my leg warmer last night in bed Woke up and she was on my my chest facing me!!

Still not feeling 100% but still testing negative and i think we are over the worst of it (hopefully!) Will have a fairly relaxing day tomorrow.

Have a great weekend ladies

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