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angieh's Avatar
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03-07-2013, 11:28 AM   #1

Wednesday, Wednesday

Morning all .......... another grey, overcast day here and I think it's quite chilly too.

Last evening when taking Dora to training I noticed a horrid smell of petrol coming from somewhere in my car. It's a wonder that she and I weren't overcome with the fumes it was that strong .......... so, car is at the local garage atm being investigated. Seems a pipe popping is not unusual. Luckily I didn't have a huge amount of petrol in my tank, but it's gone down a lot from being a quarter full last evening.

I think the time is fast approaching when I will need to think about getting a new-to-me car. I love mine though and have had it from new (Sept 1999, so nearly 14 years). Several other electricky things going wrong now, like central locking which is evidently a common problem with Peugeots.

Hope everyone has a trouble-free day! Extra Catsey cat cuddles from me for comfort's sake.

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PoshPuss's Avatar
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03-07-2013, 12:20 PM   #2

Re: Wednesday, Wednesday

Blinking eck Angie, cars are such a pain aren't they?
Hope the garage finds the problem and it can be fixed quickly without too much expense, as my dad always says, you'll never be wealthy when you run a car!

Off to the dentist with Ceri and dad today, not keen on these appointments, and lately been having trouble with my bottom jaw and bleeding gums. I know he'll want to scale and polish, but can't stand the thought of it today.

All cats are quiet and chillaxed, the grey stray has been around but is keeping his distance, doesn't try to come in the house at all now. I have put food out but place it right down the bottom of the garden and it goes, so I guess he takes it.

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Shelley123's Avatar
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03-07-2013, 08:57 PM   #3

Re: Wednesday, Wednesday

evening Angie and PP.
Hope you're car is fixed soon Angie, we once had a split petrol hose and lost all the petrol.
PP, i hate going to the dentist also, i'm so afraid. I had to go a few weeks ago as i was having a problem with my gum being soar and bleeding, i was convinced it was my tooth, must admit to being relieved when it was my gum.
Been to work this afternoon and then finished working on the doll i started yesterday. I was dismayed to find that her teeth weren't inside her head but as luck would have it i had a tiny set of porceline pearly whites which i managed to fit. She now has a nice smile again, the top of her head is replaced, her flowing locks are back on and all is well,lol.
Have been supporting my friend who has had to have her 17 1/2 year old Persian pts on Monday, she is devastated. She is still trying to help me rehome another friends neighbours two cats though.

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