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23-01-2022, 05:47 AM   #1

Sleepy Sunday.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley. Sunday afternoon here and it's been a rainy cool day (which I love) ,after all the very hot weather we have been having. The whole of NZ is moving into Alert Level Red tonight after an outbreak of Omicron in both islands. We've been able to control it for so long but it was inevitable that the virus would eventually escape from our MIQ facilities and now that it has, it seems a bit surreal. I know you have all been living with it for a long time, but the Omicron strain is new to us and our booster roll out has only just begun. Janna cannot get her booster until 11 February but at least she is booked in, and I had mine recently.
Dickens is continuing to be OK. I've taken him down to one pill a day and he seems fine on that. The magpies keep coming every night and really love the bird feeder. We can't get near them as they get spooked easily. My cousin came round for lunch yesterday and was pleased that her Goldie seems to have a more settled tummy now on a totally raw diet. At least she doesn't have to keep going out through the night.
I haven't been out anywhere today. I was going to go to church, but it was raining so heavily that I decided not to. I've spent most of the day reading my book and making sure Frederick and Dickens are kept well apart. Dickens seems to be attacking Freddie now, not the other way around, which is unusual. Last night he flew at Freddie for no apparent reason, and fur was literally flying until we managed to separate them. Poor Dickens has a scratched nose AGAIN and they both lost a lot of fur. If I go out, I'm not going to be able to leave them both unattended as they will injure each other. I'll lock Freddie in the bedroom.

PAMELA, I hope your de-cluttering is going smoothly. It's a pain having to clear out kitchen drawers, but so rewarding when you've done so. I hope you and your dad get everything you need at Costco today. It's good that you're enjoying your new job and that you're having Wednesdays off.Your working week will seem shorter then.Yes, I was sad that Meatloaf passed away too. He was quite a good singer. I wonder what he actually died of ? I hope Harris is continuing to behave himself at night .

SHELLEY, I must admit that I,too, like a calendar on my wall that I can write things on. I usually buy a calendar by the Cats Protection League every year and I write everything on it.I also agree that it's a pity the forum isn't as active as it was anymore.Do you have every Friday off ? It must be nice to have a long weekend every week. Hope the pups are enjoying their new coats.

Well I'm off to make tea. Hot vege soup and crusty bread rolls tonight ,so nice and easy. I love soup on a cool night.

Have a good Sunday ladies.

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23-01-2022, 09:42 AM   #2

Re: Sleepy Sunday.

Morning Dinky and Shelley.

Dinky i have just seen on the news that New Zealand were going into red alert and thought of you. I do hope you and Janna manage to avoid it. I wonder why Dickens went for Freddie? I do hope they are both ok ad that DIckens nose heals quickly.

Glad to hear that your cousins dog is doing much better on a raw diet and your cousin is managing to sleep during the night now!!

Enjoy your book It has been confirmed that Meatloaf died from Covid!!

Shelley, what did you end up doing on Friday? Did you do anything nice? I am also like both of you and like a calendar on my wall. Steven got me a Valentino Rossi calendar for my christmas this year but it has no space to write on so i bought a desk calendar as well

I bought accessories for my upstairs bathroom last night as it has always just been grey tiles on teh floor and wall(was like was that when we moved in) I bought a lovely shade of pink bath mat and matching towel and some paler pink candles/boxes and it looks lovely. I am not a fan of pink but really liked the mat when i saw it last night. I got the upstairs cleared out a bit yesterday whilst Steven sat and watched!! I have a wee unit for him to build whilst im out today so will see if he does it!!

Kitchen is on the agenda when i get home from Costco then a relaxing night as i am out early tomorrow as i am in the office which i am looking forward to. Change of scenery and actually seeing people!!

Enough of my waffle!! have a great day/evening ladies

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23-01-2022, 10:21 AM   #3

Re: Sleepy Sunday.

Morning ladies,
Yes so sad about meatloaf, live his music, we saw him live when he was 69,still a great performer.
Think he was a really nice man too.
Damn covid.
Pamela, we stayed in on Friday but went with my dad to Lytham yesterday, looked round the shops and had lunch out.
Pink accessories in your grey bathroom sounds lovely.
Dinky, sorry NZ is now on red alert and also the problem with the naughty cats.

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