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Kazz's Avatar
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30-06-2010, 10:09 AM   #1

Wonderful Wednesday

Well morning all.

Lovely day here, still sunshine everything is good here.

Feel okay hot sweats kicking in and sleep is a rare commodity at the moment, went to the Docs yesterday another not for 4 weeks......am starting to feel normal again but taking it easy am going to up the walking now slowly...doing approx 2 miles a day now should be up to 6 when I go back to work. The Doc prescribed tablets to help reduce the hot flushes....called Dixarit. See how they go, as being woken up constantly like this cannot continue when I go back to work. But of course this warm weather is not helping.

Anyhow have a good day all not doing much just potterig to the building society then back home.

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30-06-2010, 12:02 PM   #2

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

I have every sympathy with your hot sweats Kazz, I was up til 1:30 as I couldn't settle to sleep, the heat was horrible. the room was cool and the window open but I couldn't bear the burning in my body.

I'm trying all the natural cures, relaxation, seeds and oils first as I'm taking other meds and don't want to upset my system too much. Exercise is good though, and 2 miles, I'm impressed

Picking up our new car later today, VW Polo. 1.6l, nimbus grey colour, I've named it my Nimbus 2000, after Harry Potter's broom

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angieh's Avatar
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30-06-2010, 12:13 PM   #3

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Hi Kazz, PP - another lovely day here. I was feeling under the weather this morning, aching in all sorts of places and felt as if I hadn't slept at all, but I had. Anyway, had a shower, got dressed and lay on the bed and went back to sleep. Woke up a little while ago and feel much better, but I've missed my trip to the gym.

EXCELLENT NEWS ON THE SQUIFFY FRONT - will update the thread.

Hope loads of peeps will make the quiz tonight - it's a Pop quiz through the decades and I hope it will be enjoyable. I've still got 1 Q to find though .......... hope to see a whole bunch of you later.

Now here's a thought for the day - what would you call a gathering of Catseyers???

Have a good day everyone.

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30-06-2010, 01:50 PM   #4

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Hello! Back in the office today after yesterday's excursion to Guildford. We had a lovely day - I thought it might be awkward with OH's ex there but we all sat and chatted really nicely The newly-appointed Chancellor of the University of the Creative Arts was no less than Zandra Rhodes who turned up in the most amazing cap and gown (vivid pinks, greens and reds) and shook hands with ALL 170 graduates during the ceremony

Anyway - today. I forgot to say 'bye' to Sebi this morning at nursery because he was playing with his friends. As we were driving off, the assistant rushed out as he was howling his head off so we had to stop the car in the middle of the road and wave to him as he was at the window Poor love.

It's humid here, with light cloud cover . . . and that's about it!

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30-06-2010, 03:02 PM   #5

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

All my fretting over what to get OH for our 40th anniversary (finally settled on an expensive single malt whisky that he's never tasted before) seems to have been totally in vain. At breakfast this morning he suddenly asked if we were giving each other presents as he had absolutely no idea what to get me if we were! He was deadly serious too I simply replied that he darned well should know as I'd been hinting quite clearly for some time. He replied that he obviously hadn't picked up any hints then! So it looks like I'll not be getting anything red and sparkly from the jeweller's then.

I soooo want him to do the impulsive, generous, romantic gesture thing, but it's not going to happen. I would have thought he'd learned his lesson after our 25th anniversary but apparently not! (on that occasion he said he didn't think we should bother with giving each other anything and I thought he was joking, but he wasn't! I'd bought him some lovely silver cufflinks and he'd got me nothing! I took the cufflinks back and kept them for myself )

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30-06-2010, 03:58 PM   #6

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Oh MrsH - that is just SO disappointing. I remember being very shocked when my best school friend told me that her father never got her mother anything for birthdays, anniversaries or Christmas. She just went out and bought something for herself! My shock has abated somewhat over the years, when I realise that it's par for the course. As a couple, my hubby and I generally discuss what we are going to get/do and on anniversaries it's usually something we both want for the house or garden. Nice garden table and chairs for our 25th. It ISN'T the same as something nice and sparkly from the jewellers, but to be honest if it were going to be something as romantic (and expensive!) as that, I'd rather choose it myself!

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30-06-2010, 04:19 PM   #7

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Oh MrsH. I'm so sorry. That must be very crushing and disappointing for you. I completely know what you mean though. I always try to do something that surprises; however small, but that does not seem to be reciprocated. I think though this year it sunk in on my birthday as (you may remember) I was very upset and in a filthy mood and he did then take me out for dinner at a later date. But it was me who had to suggest adding the cinema to the evening out!

My Dad was like that too. I don't think he ever got my Mum a birthday, anniversary or Mother's Day card (even when we were small).

I think it has to be a 'man thing'. They really don't care about the little gesture that don't cost the earth but is worth millions.

I hope however, that you children spoil you and that makes up in some way for your OH's reticence.

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30-06-2010, 04:29 PM   #8

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Cool front thru here overnight: only 20 C (68 F), sunny and breezy. Quite a change from the 18 90 F+ days we've had in the hottest June of record. No shorts and tank top today, jeans, tee and a light sweater (I I can hear you all groaning, but you know I do love the heat!) No errands, lie-in, chores and paid bills.

Kazz, glad all's going mostly well and hope the hot flashes abate with the meds; hope yours improve too, PP. Angie, I've commented in the Squiffy thread. MrsH, how sad. Some men just haven't a clue, do they? Yola, poor Sebi, he is mummy's boy!

Cannot think of a clever name for a Catsey gathering....

Hope to see some of you at the quiz tonight.

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30-06-2010, 05:05 PM   #9

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Finaly got onto catsey, MrsH i would accept he's not going to be spontaneous and spell out exactly what you want
Got the car back yesterday and this morning i was driving to work and it made a dreadful clunking sound as i drove over a speed bump, i thought i'd damaged the exhaust, all was well however when i went over another two so i thought i'd got away with it. However when i drove up a hill it did it again. I took it back to the mechanic who gave it a good check over and a test drive. Of course the car was perfectly behaved and didn't make a sound out of place so we are hoping everything is ok.
Looking fowards to angies pop quiz later

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30-06-2010, 07:32 PM   #10

Re: Wonderful Wednesday

Evening all - 10km run (and a bit of walking) at the gym tonight - this was all after moving our office a floor down!

Going to relax with a left over curry and a glass of wine and watch some soaps.

Have a good evening all.

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