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02-07-2010, 10:21 AM   #1

Friday Daily

Morning all.

Nothing on the horizon today may pop and see Leroy in hospital, but no plans as such apart from maybe at some point popping up to see Sophie who is trying to decide which 3rd A level she does or if she she ca#t decide could end up doing 4...................she is going in to see her teachers at school on regular basis but we are going to try to work out which A levels would be best for what she thinks she might do at Uni....such a hard choice at 16.

Donna what is your daughter doing? college? work? 6th form? apprentiship?

Anyhow thats all from me folks, have food shopping to do for the weekends meals.
Hope everyone has a good day the weather here is good bit of rain last night but still okay.

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02-07-2010, 10:40 AM   #2

Re: Friday Daily

Morning Kazz - it's a bit of a glowery day here and we haven't had any rain yet.

I am going to meet a couple of ex work colleagues for lunch today and then I have some transcription work this afternoon. Been a bit light on the work front over June so hope it picks up a bit this month.

No sign of Squiffy this morning and no call from his owner either. See you all later.

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02-07-2010, 10:52 AM   #3

Re: Friday Daily

Morning all, yes is that's sort of day here too Angie, threatening rain then breaking out into sunshine. No sign of Squiffy, mmm,do you think owner has caught up with him?
Kazz, it's hard to decde at 16 which direction your life will take, hope the teachers advise Sophie well. does she have any career ambitions?

I've posted pics of my car and some pot plants and a cutie one of Posh see you later.x

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02-07-2010, 12:18 PM   #4

Re: Friday Daily

Originally Posted by PoshPuss
Kazz, it's hard to decde at 16 which direction your life will take, hope the teachers advise Sophie well. does she have any career ambitions?
Yes something that uses her brain and she enjoys.....she's into lots of things but now her favourites thing is ....... Mostly people.....she wants variety and not a 9-5 office job............a career not a job she says. Having seen the majority of the family work in deadendish sort of jobs she wants something she enjoys.....

The helping people thing not sure how much of this is due to Jack....but hey her personal experience and empathy and understanding would go a long way I think...but she has enjoyed and good at helping teaching the younger children dance, and sport.

So she is considering something along the lines of Occupational, Speech, Music, Art Theraphy....or Audiology and just popping over the hill now on the border of her thought is .....Physiotheraphy.

I have advised having a flick through the NHS website it has a interatcive website that asks questions of 14-19 year olds - what they like etc etc strangths etc then suggest possible career options...... Which she is doing this weekend.

I really think doing 3-4 good A levels will stand her in good stead regardless of her career choice. She will have options with them.
She is almost certain one will be a science subject which she adores loves and is excellent at (more than likely Biology)
Then either Maths and/or a Language (she enjoys language especially French, struggles a little more with Maths but is excellent at it)
And dance but the A level is more theory than she likes/wants...... but she already has the Btec, she did it alongside her GCSE....extra work...but loved it.

Going with subjects she is okay at and more importantly enjoys is the key.

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02-07-2010, 02:05 PM   #5

Re: Friday Daily

Kazz, she sounds like she has a good range of career options and with her choices of arts & sciences she'll get the academic line covered. Hope she gets good info from the NHS website, Occupational therapists are in very short supply and so needed as I can vouch from personal experience with my OH.Good luck to Sophie, the world's her oyster, or 'lobster' as Del-boy would say

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02-07-2010, 03:10 PM   #6

Re: Friday Daily

Just popped on before popping out (if you see what I mean)

Kazz - re Sophie's choices. She needs to bear in mind that most universities will not consider A level Dance to be a "useful" A level in terms of her points for university entrance to do any sort of academic course. Not all teachers (who naturally enough are pleased when pupils choose "their" subject) necessarily see the bigger picture. Hopefully Sophie has a good tutor/mentor who is on the ball. I've seen quite a few frustrated and disappointed 6th formers in the past who either didn't have this pointed out to them or didn't believe us when they made their initial choices.

It's really quite muggy here now, we're a bit late with dog walking today, let's hope it doesn't rain while we're out!

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02-07-2010, 04:19 PM   #7

Re: Friday Daily

Hi people. Sunny and slowly warming up although still below normal: 21 C (70 F) and quite breezy. To the market, put the flag out for the upcoming Holiday and just pottering.

Odd that Squiffy hasn't been by for his food??? MrsH, hope you get the walk in before the rain. PP, love the pics.

I think it's wonderful how the career opportunities have widened for girls since my day. Choices were pretty much teaching, nursing or a secretarial type position. The world is indeed their oyster today!!

Enjoy the day!

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02-07-2010, 04:22 PM   #8

Re: Friday Daily

Nice morning at work, called in for a few items at Tesco and got stuck at the quick ?????? till.
Took Malaika to the river, she did well and only nibbled on one or two cow pats today.
Kazz, Sophie sounds like she's realy considering her options, i hope she makes some good choices.

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02-07-2010, 05:36 PM   #9

Re: Friday Daily

Originally Posted by MrsH
Just popped on before popping out (if you see what I mean)

Kazz - re Sophie's choices. She needs to bear in mind that most universities will not consider A level Dance to be a "useful" A level in terms of her points for university entrance to do any sort of academic course. Not all teachers (who naturally enough are pleased when pupils choose "their" subject) necessarily see the bigger picture. Hopefully Sophie has a good tutor/mentor who is on the ball. I've seen quite a few frustrated and disappointed 6th formers in the past who either didn't have this pointed out to them or didn't believe us when they made their initial choices.

It's really quite muggy here now, we're a bit late with dog walking today, let's hope it doesn't rain while we're out!
Yes this has been pointed out to her gently (telling her point blank is not going to help)
Hence we have now gone from Dance being her first mentioned A level to the last

Are you aware of a site that tells you what points each A level earns you? or I am asking for the moon.
I figure Science, Maths and or language are good basic A levels?

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02-07-2010, 05:59 PM   #10

Re: Friday Daily

Kazz, if you google UCAS TARIFFS you should be able to find tables of all sorts of qualifications, academic and vocational, and their points value for higher education study. What I was actually trying to say was that if Sophie wants to go to university to study an academic course to degree level, then the universities may simply disregard any points gained for Dance, which theoretically at least earns the same number of points as Physics etc., because they view the results gained as not being considered as evidence of rigorous academic study. They also do this with General Studies for example, a subject that lots of students have taken as a 4th A level, many universities simply dismiss it.

Unfortunately, this fact is rarely admitted very openly.

Depending on what she wants to study and where she wants to do it, she needs to be sure that her 6th form time is a genuine stepping-stone for her career. Of course, some universities and some courses will recognise A levels other than the traditional "hard" subjects but it's getting very competitive out there.

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