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Shelley123's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 10:30 AM   #1

Thursday daily

Good morning everyone.
Having a quick coffee before i take the Dog out.
Then a spot of weeding maybe and out to a friends this afternoon.
Bit awkward for me at the moment, we are supposed to be going to Scotland Friday night to stay untill Saturday but OH and myself arent speaking so dont know if we will go or not and nothing is arranged. What stupid people we are
Hope you all have a better day.
Can hear my barkless Dog barking, did no one tell her she's a Basenji

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Kazz's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 10:58 AM   #2

Re: Thursday daily

Morning Shelley.

Oh to be able to take my dog out....soon soon btu enjoy your walk. Hope you resolve your row soon, you will its hard being the first one to speak its like admitting defeat, but you need to break the deadlock before going away I recall a row with an ex that happened while on holiday we spent the last day and the plane trip home including coach transfer in silence not reccomended.

Anyhow hope everyone has a good day. Mine started okay, then had a bouquet of beautiful flowers hand tied delivered cursty of work...really nice. Your flowers are still going strong too......so in a sweet scented house.

Have a good day all.

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MrsH's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 02:20 PM   #3

Re: Thursday daily

Had to pop in at the hospital for my regular bloodtest this morning. Goodness but those phlebotomists were understaffed! There were 16 people ahead of me when I arrived and it took 1hr 25mins to get my turn, by then there were 30 people or more behind me!

We were greatly entertained by a wonderful young mum and her toddler, a happy chatty singing girl, full of conversation but in no way intrusive. She very politely asked her mum for a drink and something to eat, out came a little box of raisins and bits of carrot and she sat there happily, and tidily, having her elevenses Meanwhile her little baby sister lay in her pram cooing and gurgling, kicking her little white-socked feet up and down which shook her baby rattle. What a lovely placid babe! (why weren't mine like that? ) It was lovely seeing someone take such delight in her family instead of the often surly and careless way that children's needs are met.

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dandysmom's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 04:25 PM   #4

Re: Thursday daily

Hi everyone. Dank, gloomy and on the chilly side, 10 C (50 F); this has been an unusually cool Spring except for a few lovely warm days tempting us to think of shorts! More rain yesterday afternoon, but the garden does look nicely refreshed. we needed it. No errands, spent the morning doing banking and paying bills. Have not been to the garden yet to check on the tomatoes.

Shelley, I agree with Kazz about the not-speaking. MrsH, lovely description of your visit; nice to see well behaved children, isn't it? Enjoy the flowers, Kazz, won't be too long before you'll be able to dog walk again; you must really miss it.

Enjoy the day, all.

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angieh's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 04:28 PM   #5

Re: Thursday daily

Hi all! Just having a Catsey catch up with a cuppa! OH and I have been out this morning. We went up to The Trundle above Goodwood to see if we could spot any Red Kites, but no. Did see some buzzards as we drove back down though. We went to Denmans Gardens at Fontwell and walked around the little garden. This is John Brookes' garden and was a real inspiration to me some years ago when we were having our garden re-designed. Some of the things that were in vogue then, such as the gravel garden are being re-designed. It's a real headache trying to keep the weeds down through gravel and they seem to be going back to borders. You see, there was always a good reason why things were done as they were. It was very very cold though and we had caught the garden between most of the bulbs and before the columbines and other bulbs (in bud, don't know what they were!) came out. There was lots of blossom though. Had to have a hot soup in the cafe. They had one of those patio heaters in there and as the only available table was just by it, I ROASTED. I thought I liked the heat, but my face felt like it was on fire. Just before we were ready to leave, a member of staff came along and turned it off!!! On the way home, we stopped off at a "posh" nursery. I say "posh" because all the plants are well grown specimens and they don't sell general gardening supplies or "tat". We were looking for a climber to do it's thing on the pergola and I think we've bought a good contender - a Chocolate Vine. Beautiful sturdy HUGE plant with loads of new growth. Will plant it tomorrow.

Coming along the Bosham Road, a little fluffy b&w cat ran across the road in front of our car. OH braked and we avoided hitting it. Luckily there was nothing coming the other way - that cat would have had it's chips for sure. OH asked me if I was OK and said I could start breathing again. Silly silly cat. Stupid owners, letting it out so near a main road.

Excitements tomorrow then, planting the Chocolate Vine and I've also had some Brachycome plugs delivered, so they'll need potting up too. Just wish it would warm up a bit.

Have a good day everyone. Keep warm!

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dandysmom's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 04:42 PM   #6

Re: Thursday daily

Chocolate vine was a new one to me, so Googled it; here's a link if anyone's interested:


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pinklizzy's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 05:00 PM   #7

Re: Thursday daily

Been on a bit of a marathon tidying/organising spree today, now feeling exhausted so sitting on the sofa with a cuppa (only 2 more left for today)
Planning on going for a swim with my mum this evening which will be nice-my belly sticks out already though so will probably need a new one pretty soon.

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angieh's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 05:32 PM   #8

Re: Thursday daily

Yes I noticed it was on US invasive list! Haven't yet found it listed as such here. It's going to be planted in full sun, so hopefully it will keep in check!!!

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dandysmom's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 08:20 PM   #9

Re: Thursday daily

I didn't mean that as a warning, Angie, just for general info about the plant, which I'd never heard of. Sorry!

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angieh's Avatar
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13-05-2010, 08:27 PM   #10

Re: Thursday daily

No worries Eileen - I saw that and was a bit concerned! But it's only one plant ........... I expect that's what the importers into USA said too!

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