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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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28-06-2020, 09:00 AM   #1

wet sunday

Morning everyone,

Shelley, thats a pity about Howards dinner, did you go back and get it sorted? Its always frustrating when you are looking forward to a meal and it is wrong!

I went for my run yesterday and about halfway through it rained, my friend and i were quite happy about it as it is lovely running in the rain Steven and i had a take out from our favourite restaurant last night as wee treat. Food was amazing as always.

Going to do a bit of shopping today as we need new cushions for the livingroom and i want a fake topiary type plant for my front door to go with my 2 wee dog statues as it looks a bit bare.

I also ordered new bin numbers and they arrived yesterday. They are big paw prints with the house number on them. They look really good

Hope everyone has a great day

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28-06-2020, 09:34 AM   #2

Re: wet sunday

Hi Pamela, Shelley and everyone else,
Sorry I haven't been on to reply to you over the last few days. I've caught a horrid flu and have spent the last few days in bed, only getting up to take Willow outside.It's Sunday evening here and a horrid, rainy night with the chance of snow.My whole body is one big massive ache and it;s a real effort to even get out of bed, but had to come on here and catch all the latest news and see how everyone is doing.I see you've both been having a bit of sunshine - how lovely.

PAMELA, glad you're enjoying your running although I don't know how you can run so far in the heat. I do hope that queasy feeling you had the other day has left you now.Thank goodness you were able to get home all right.I do agree ,it is super refreshing running in the rain.Your front door will look inviting when you get your new plant. I hope you find just the right one to go with the wee dogs.The bin numbers with the paw prints sound lovely - do you just stick them on the bins ?Glad you enjoyed your takeaway too.

SHELLEY,,how nice to be able to sit in your garden in the evening in the beautiful weather.AND how annoying that poor Howard only got rice for his meal. I hope you let the shop know and they will be able to replace the meal free next time for him.How are those wee birds in the reserve and the baby swans doing ?My wee wild birds on the back lawn are very hungry now. We feed them 2x a day and at least I know they don't go to bed hungry. I couldn't bear that. Janna has been faithfully feeding them for me the last few days.

Willow is fine, very stiff but is eating well and is happy. No more seizures so that's good.Miracle looks awful. She's biting herself until she bleeds, and has bald patches all over her now. I've been too ill to take her to the vet but she has had a second flea treatment last Friday.I'm hoping she hasn't got mange which is meant to be highly contagious, but the other cats are fine. Miracle is eating well and is now more friendly. I will have to take her to the vet in the next few days, if I can just shake this flu.

Hope everyone is OK and staying safe. I'm going back to bed now as everything hurts and I'm really lightheaded. Hopefully things will be a bit better tomorrow.Luckily, even though it's really cold out, I'm not cold. In fact, I'm boiling hot but I'll cool down a bit when I go to bed, that is until Willow tries to lie on top of me !!!!!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

Love to all Catsey cats, dogs and their guardians.

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Catsey Veteran
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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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28-06-2020, 12:02 PM   #3

Re: wet sunday

Hi Dinky, sorry to hear you are poorly, i do hope you are feeling better and getting stringer everyday. The flu is horrible. I had i last year and it wast nice. Glad you are still managing ot get a bit of fresh air though with Willow. I do hope Miracle starts to get better as well. It must be worrying for you.

Take care and get well soon

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