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Shelley123's Avatar
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23-06-2020, 09:01 AM   #1


Morning all,
Pamela, I hope you are feeling ok today.
About your mum, just a thought, prior to my health scare I'd reduced the amount I ate to try and help my reflux, without realising I think I trained my stomach to eat less until last summer I easily became overwhelmed by food and lost a stone.
After the scare I made a conscious decision to eat more and now thankfully I eat a normal amount, perhaps more.
Are the drs investigating?
Goung to be cleaning the floors today I think and of course dog walking.

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yola's Avatar
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23-06-2020, 10:02 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday

Morning. Well, we had a sad weekend here in Reading as I'm sure you've seen on the national news. The park in question is about 8-10 mins walk from my house and the one where I spent hours upon hours in when my boys were small. There was even a pic of my oldest when he was about 2 years old in the local paper, taken in there while frolicking in the daffodils.

My knees are two steps forward one step back at the moment - if you'd pardon the pun. Yesterday was good as I spent most of the weekend in bed. Today is more painful as I went into the office yesterday and moved around more. The consensus is that it's arthritis so I guess it's now a case of how to manage it and mitigate the pain. I have a referral to a specialist but also will be speaking to the 'cortisone doctor' at the GP practice. I really want to get back to being able to walk and cycle

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Shelley123's Avatar
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23-06-2020, 06:57 PM   #3

Re: Tuesday

Evening all.
Yola I'm not sure what you mean about the park, not seen the news.
I do hope you find some solution to manage your knee.
Isn't it sad about streetcar Bob .
Just won lots of small Yankee candles in an online raffle run by a neighbour, my second win.

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pamela81's Avatar
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23-06-2020, 07:27 PM   #4

Re: Tuesday

hi Shelley and Yola,

Shelley, mum hasnt been to the doctors yet as it is quite diffcult to get an appointment but she need to go for a blood test so will be there soon. Was a shame to hear about streetcat Bob, i read and enjoyed the book.

Yola, thats a shame about your knee. I hope the specialist can help. I read about the park in Reading. It was shocking what happened.

I was working today, was on the late shift so as meant to start at 10am and finish at 6pm but i started at 8am instead and did 2 hours overtime. May as well take it whilst its going and its not a hassle to try to get to work as i just open my laptop up after our morning walk and shower

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