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Shelley123's Avatar
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14-06-2020, 09:55 AM   #1


Morning all and evening to Dinky.
No idea yet what we are doing today besides parcelling up some dolls and bears I have sold on Ebay.
Yesterday I received the first training manual for my online Makaton course, it starts early July.
I've done Makaton courses before but need a refresher.
Pamela are you running today ?
Dinky, I've never made a quiche.
How great that NZ is almost back to normal, your lockdown happened quicker than ours and appeared to be tougher.

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pamela81's Avatar
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14-06-2020, 02:09 PM   #2

Re: Sunday

Hi Shelley and those to follow.

I would love to learn Makaton. we have a girl in our team who is deaf and although we can talk to her, she signs to us and tries to talk a little and writes things down if we are chatting to her. I do hope you enjoy it.

Well done on selling dolls and teddies on ebay, i havent sold anything that way in such a long time.

No running for me today, i was out yesterday so today is rest day, im not up for doing 2 days in a row especially when we also do a 4.5mile walk at the weekends with the dogs in the morning. We hav just been for our food sop today, had some lunch and are now relaxing. I have some things i want to do to our tank in the kitchen but need OH to help as i cant reach to where i need to get to!!

Have a great day

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