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02-07-2021, 05:42 AM   #1

Freezing cold Friday.

Good morning everyone Gosh, Friday already. The weeks are just zooming by.It's Friday 4pm here now and I've just come in from the local mall.Got the heat pump up to 25 in the lounge and i hate to think what my power bill is going to be this month.I managed to buy some cheap power units this morning online, so that might soften the blow a bit, but not much.

Snodgrass is off to the local groomer on Tuesday.This lady is a dog groomer, but she is willing to have a go at cats. The cat groomer that he has been to has moved a long way out now, and as I'm not driving at the moment, it's too difficult to get him way out there. I'll stay with him and hopefully he'll settle down long enough for his sides to be shaved. I worry because it's so very cold at the moment, but he won't let me cut these matts out and i think they must be sore to lie on.He's likely to take a seizure if he gets stressed and the groomer is aware of that, so we'll just see how he goes.

My sister came round this morning as it's her birthday. I got her a lovely wee stone brooch with a calico cat painted on it, just like her late Eva, as well as a pair of 101 Dalmations pyjamas and a box of handmade soaps. She was happy ! I've still got to get her something from "Mate".It's a silly game we have played since we were children. _we had a Scottish Terrier called Harold (Mate) and after he passed away, we started buying each other a birthday and xmas present from him and it just kept going. "Mate" has already got her 2 pairs of socks ,but they haven't arrived yet. Isn't it funny some of the things we do ?

My cousin still doesn't feel 100% after her flu, but she's coming round tomorrow for lunch.I'm just going to have some chicken and vege soup again with some hot bread rolls. Might make some club sandwiches for her to take home and have for her tea, as she's not really well enough to cook.

We're having a Thai takeaway for tea tonight which I'm looking forward to.

PAMELA, sounds as if you're enjoying that nice weather and getting out on the bike as often as you can.That visit to the Loch must have been so beautiful and it's lovely to feel the sun and fresh air on your face and enjoy good company. I'm pleased that Harris is now OK again. That'll be a load off your mind.My computer seems to be back to normal now. I don't have a laptop or a mobile phone now. It's the minimalist in me. I must confess that I had both in the past, but I tried to cut back on everything electronic that I don't really need. That's why I was so cross when my computer went silly and I couldn't log on to Catsey. Think I will probably get a phone again though.

SHELLEY,glad the goodies in your parcel all arrived safely. AND yes, I also believe that animals do have souls and that there is an afterlife for them too. St Francis, the patron saint of animals, believed that ,as well.I firmly believe that I will see Willow again and some days, that's the only thing that keeps me going.

YOLA, hope you and the boys have a great day at Brighton today and that your heel is feeling a lot better now.

KAZZ, hope all is well with you and Gert.

Well everyone, have a good Friday. It's nearly 5pm now ,so will go and get that Thai meal. Yummy. !!!

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02-07-2021, 09:20 PM   #2

Re: Freezing cold Friday.

Evening DInky and those who may follow

I do hope you heating bill isnt too high especially after you managed to get lower priced units.

I hope Snodgrass gets on ok on Tuesday, i can only imagine how stressful it will be for you and him. I do hope he doesnt have a seizure.

Your present for you sister sounds lovely. I bet she loved it!! Your game isnt silly, its a tradition that has followed you for a long time. Nothing wrong with keeping it going even as an adult. Im sure Mate would approve!!

Glad to hear your cousin is feeling a bit better and is able to come and see you for what sounds like a lovely lunch!!

I was out on the bike last night with the ladies group to a place called Saltcoats. Was nice, managed to take the bike onto the harbour and get some photos with the sun behind it. I am going out with Steven with the bikes tomorrow as he got his new one today. I am a bit envious because he now has his full license and can ride faster bikes but i will get there when i resit my first test in August.

I hope you enjoy your thai meal

Shelly 100% believe that animals have souls, they must have for them to be so caring and affectionate. I truly believe we will see them again when we leave this world. ( iam not a religious person in any way but i really do believe there is somewhere when they pass.

Have a lovely weekend both

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