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26-06-2021, 06:54 AM   #1

early start Saturday

Good morning

Its a bit grey here this morning but it is still very early!! Harris has been poorly since Tuesday morning. Hiding either in our wardrobe or in the spare room. Not sure what has happened hen he has been out but he is certainly perking back up again and woke me up at 5:50am which he hasnt done for a few days and he was asking to get out this morning. We are keeping him another day just to make sure he is ok but he certainly seems to be on the mend. Barney has also stopped limping now so he is back to his bigger morning walks which both him and i are enjoying!!

Shelley, did you open your parcel? I can imagine it felt like Christmas opening them!!

Yola, well done on dropping a dress size.

Dinky have you had your other appointment with the cardiologist? Hope all went well.

Not sure on our plan for the weekend which is unusual!! Will see how the day progresses

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26-06-2021, 12:25 PM   #2

Re: early start Saturday


Just been to have an MRI scan on my foot. I have an overgrowth of bone at the back of my heel which is really hampering my ability to walk any distance as it’s painful. Got a referral really quickly to the private hospital up the road which was handy. Never had one before - omg the noise!

Rest of the day will involve cleaning and washing so …. Meh.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend - even though Dinky will be half way through hers now.

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