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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
11-01-2022, 12:55 AM   #1

Sunny and hot Wednesday.

Good morning ladies. It's Wednesday midday here and VERY hot. Yesterday it got to 28 degrees and it's around that outside now. I was going to go out this morning and do a bit of shopping, but I saw my doctor yesterday and she told me to stay off my foot for the rest of the week. Of course, being me, I'm not going to stay home all week, but I'll take it easy today. The top of my whole foot has now gone black so I must have given it a mighty knock. My doctor has restrapped the toe and I've got codeine to take if I need to. I've broken a couple of toes before doing judo, but I'm sure that they weren't as painful as this one. I must be falling apart. !!!

Yesterday, after my doctor's visit ,I went over to the mall and got my booster shot. Apart from a slightly stiff arm, I feel fine, although I know a lot of people have had a bad reaction to the booster here in NZ.

The gardener has arrived and is busy with his chain saw out in the front garden. Dickens is sleeping in the back conservatory at the moment, but when the gardener moves around to the back yard, then I'll take Dickens into the bedroom. I don't want him to get too spooked, otherwise it's back to square one with him. Gosh I feel sorry for that poor man having to work outside in all this heat. I've told him to come in and have a cold drink and something to eat whenever he wants.

PAMELA, it seems so funny when you talk about snow and rain. I'd give anything to have it rain for a bit here. How lovely to have snow as well. You're so lucky. I bet Steven had a great birthday - a new tank bag and jumper would have made him very happy. Sorry, I didn't realize that you'd already given him his concert tickets for xmas, but I'm sure he loved those as well.

SHELLEY, hope all is well with you and your family. I guess you're back at work now, - hope that is all going well.

Going to go and make some lunch now and try and stay cool. That'll be hard in this weather.

Have a great day everyone.

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