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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,208
26-12-2021, 09:40 AM   #1

Boxing day.

Good morning ladies,
It's Sunday, Boxing Day here and it's been another warm day, although not unbearably so. I hope everyone had a great day yesterday and enjoyed a nice meal. Hopefully there'll be enough leftovers for today. I had a super Christmas day, the meal actually turned out beautifully, and I got heaps of presents from everyone.. Everyone just helped themselves to the food and i opened the glass doors between the kitchen and the lounge so everyone wandered in between both rooms and ate. The children loved their shark tail blankets but unfortunately, their toys didn't arrive. They'll probably come this week, I hope ,as I'm going out to Brenna and Jared's for a New years Eve meal. My cousin and sister want to come to, as they haven't seen Brenna's new house yet. I promised to bring a fruit flan for dessert.

My cats did NOT enjoy yesterday as it was far too noisy for them ,with the children running around all over the place. I shut them all, except for Snoddy and Dickens", in their bedroom with lots of food, but the children kept opening the door and yelling at them, that is until I got really cross at them. I had a word with Brenna about their own new kitten and told her not to let the children pick it up all the time or frighten it with their noise. I think that maybe she should have waited until the children were a bit older before getting another cat. My children never ever touched any pets that we had if they were sleeping and just knew to be gentle with them. Children today, just seem to be so noisy and hyper - at least my grandkids are. Still, at the end of the day, all the humans had a great time. which is what it's all about, and cats are fine today.

My cousin's dog is not well again with tummy troubles. This seems to be a regular thing with the poor girl, and the vet doesn't seem concerned.He just said that she's getting older now and it's common in old dogs.I wish my cousin would take the dog to Michele for another opinion. I know that the poor dog barked to go outside 5 times last night

I've just had a quiet day today, putting away things and generally cleaning up AND eating far too much. ! I've got to stop it, otherwise I'll be the size of a house and it won't be good for my knees.

Well everyone, I hope you all have a peaceful, relaxing Boxing Day and hopefully the sun will shine for you today.

Stay safe everyone.

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