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11-01-2015, 12:22 PM   #1

Sunday -sorting out.

Good morning all, I've been a very infrequent visitor of late but there have been good reasons I have been in touch with some of you on "the other place we don't speak of"

Yesterday we saw the effects of the wild winds that funnelled through the valley, although not in the same league as our Scottish friends problems, the storm did for my handy little plastic covered greenhouse. I think I can salvage the frame but the cover is torn to bits I grew my tomatoes in there last summer and was handy for keeping the tools and buckets and bowls etc I use for the chooks.

Today I'm sorting out the clutter in my spare room, it's been stuffed full of bags of clothes and excess linen since before Christmas and there are things to go up in the attic and others to get taken to Barnardos on Tuesday. Also I really don't need all these ornaments, just gathering dust, so they will be culled and rehomed too.

It's calm here today, dry and not that cold or windy, it won't last but gives me a chance to carry things out of the house while the rain keeps off.

Hope you are all well, will catch up with your news now x

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11-01-2015, 06:21 PM   #2

Re: Sunday -sorting out.

Hello PP, nice to 'see' you. I had one of those plastic greenhouse thingies but it got blown apart by the wind - I found tomato plants in all sorts of places that year! We are quite exposed to the fenland wind here.
It's been much calmer today so I managed my long run. Just having tea and toast and about to read the papers.
Hope all are well.

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11-01-2015, 08:28 PM   #3

Re: Sunday -sorting out.

evening Nette and CS
Been cold and windy here today too, only been out to walk the dogs, the rest of the time has been spent indoors.

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