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Kazz's Avatar
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07-07-2010, 10:49 AM   #1

Wettish Wednesday

Hiya all.

Kim, glad to hear Harvey Moon has come home. Hope Rachel feels a little better today.

Looks like a storm brewing here however it threatens but not more than 10 drops of rain have fallen. Got a bit of a plan for the rest of the week, found that helps little things to look forward too.

Off out in a little while meeting a friend for a lateish lunch early dinner about 4. Have a chat and catch up. Swimming now.

Just arranged to pop opver to Leroy's tomorrow see how he is and his wife are, he is home from hospital now. Walking day today too hope the rain holds ff for this.

Friday got a hospital check up for Mom re cateracts and I am popping up to my ward Ward2 to see them when I am good.

Hope everyone is feeling as good as I am. Started some excercises this morning lying down knees bent, feet flat on the floor and lifting my bum of the floor at the same time pressing the small of my back into the floor. Did 5 this morning holding each one for the count of 20 BRING IT ON


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07-07-2010, 11:51 AM   #2

Re: Wettish Wednesday

Morning Kazz, mornign all...We have a beautiful day here, 20 degree's...although they did say it was going to rain later...

Hope everyone is well, and all firbabies are well...

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07-07-2010, 11:58 AM   #3

Re: Wettish Wednesday

Gosh Kazz, you certainly are chipper today!

Here the weather is cloudy, dry and breezy - great day for drying the laundry in the garden, except that someone in the area has a bonfire/incinerator going and the air is stinky with the smoke and there are also little bits of stuff floating about. I'm having to use the tumble drier which I wasn't expecting to have to do in July!

OH has now gone out for his Wednesday pub lunch with ex-colleagues and the dog is getting very frustrated as there's a chicken wing thawing for him and he just can't wait He keeps wandering back and forth from the kitchen telling me to hurry it up! I never managed to get the cats interested in wings but they certainly help keep Morgan's teeth in good condition (keep his anal glands good too )

Hope it's a good Wednesday for everyone!

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angieh's Avatar
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07-07-2010, 01:58 PM   #4

Re: Wettish Wednesday

Afternoon all! Glad that you are beginning to be able to exercise Kazz - that'll help you begin to be "normal" again very quickly. Swimming is a very good thing. Wish I could do it ........... perhaps I can? I got a very bad ear infection last time I went to a swimming pool, put me off completely. Had to go for regular appointments at ENT for over a year.

I've been to the gym this morning. This weather is really affecting people who have breathing difficulties - in fact, I felt quite well there this morning. It's gloomy but quite hot and windy. As MrsH says great for drying laundry. I sympathise with the bonfire smoke, MrsH. We get that quite a lot here - mainly from the stables burning straw and our immediate neighbour. It's really the only reason I would want to move ......... smoke doesn't go down well with my lungs and it's horrid to have to shut up the house tight when it's hot outside.

Did anyone see the Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall prog on TV a couple of nights ago? He was expressing my own feelings about the shortcomings of strawberry jam and a lady he went to see made strawberry and gooseberry jam, which answers the problem. We have loads of gooseberries and OH found the recipe on the net this morning. Going to give that a go - only thing is, we don't eat a lot of jam. MIL does, but has to have that wonderful expensive French jam that has no added sugar. Now if anyone has a recipe for that, please give me a shout!

Have a good day all.

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07-07-2010, 04:16 PM   #5

Re: Wettish Wednesday

Hi all. Heat wave continues, made 39 C (102 F) yesterday; presently 32 C (89 F) with no real cooldown till Friday. I can handle the heat but feel sorry for those who can't; and poor Leia with her thick coat is not happy! And we have had not one drop of rain in weeks, very distressing,

No news, no errands, slept late and barely pottering. Kazz, glad you're feeling so chipper; nuisance abou the drying, MrsH. Angie, a shame you can't enjoy the swimming, it would probably be good for the arthritis, but not at the risk of another ear infection! Anyone have a good recipe for peach jam that doesn't have hunks of fruit in it? Seems that's all that's commercially available here

QUIZ night, do come if you can!

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07-07-2010, 04:20 PM   #6

Re: Wettish Wednesday

Finaly made it on to catsey.
Had to work a full day today and just got home. Must go and find some questions for tonights quiz. Be there or be square 8.00pm.
MrsH Malaika has a couple of chicken wings a week, i hold it whilst she's eating as i'm scared she will swallow a big chunk, bone and all.
Kazz, glad your feeling chipper, good for you with the exercises, have a nice meal.
angie could you perhaps get waterproof ear plugs when you swim?
Moli, it has rained here quite a bit, i expect the plants have enjoyed it.

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07-07-2010, 07:15 PM   #7

Re: Wettish Wednesday

Hi folks! well I've hada do-nothing day. The weather has been awful, drizzly rain now constant wet stuff falling. Didn't need to go anywhere so stayed in and did as few house jobs, clothes sorting, files tidied, and watched Midsommer Murders on Sky+. Inspector Barnaby has had a lot of viewings in our house over the World Cup weeks. When I was working I ever got he chance to see them so all his cases are new to me!

Probabaly won't be able to quiz tonight but good luck to all contenders

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07-07-2010, 08:19 PM   #8

Re: Wettish Wednesday

Normal day for me today, work and then the gym ran 11k today which I was pleased with as I didn't go yesterday and I am in London tomorrow evening.

Have a good evening everybody.

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