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23-01-2011, 02:27 PM   #1

Sleepy ol' Sunday

Hello I'm back!
Have returned from my vacation in the Caribbean & Florida.
The cruise was relaxing and the entertainment super. The hotel in Florida, Universal Studios, luxurious and the best part was the Wizarding World of Harry Potter... a-maze-ing!

So jetlagged at the mo, will post more later on the Travel section, and some pics too. Need to get on with the post holiday laundry ...ah well, see you later

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23-01-2011, 03:55 PM   #2

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

Glad you had a good time Nette ....... I agree about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter being amazing, it was far better than what I had imagined it to be!

Looking forward to seeing your pics later ....... but the laundry must come first!

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23-01-2011, 04:43 PM   #3

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

Hi PP! Very glad you had a good time. Look forward to photos.

Horrid grey cold day here .... OH has made seedy cake and just about to have a slice with a cuppa.

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23-01-2011, 05:21 PM   #4

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

Hi PP, Mags, Angie, those to follow. Sun but still bitterly cold: minus 6 (22 F), wind chill minus 13. Will stay cold all week I've had better days than yesterday: the kitchen radio died; then the three way switch on the reading lamp in the living room is broken (definitely the switch, not the bulb). So then I decided to have a nice Bloody Mary instead of my usual afternoon glass of wine and ..... knocked it over.... the living room rug is pale cream, rose and blue .... Not a nice day. That's all my news: too cold to go outside!

Stay warm and dry!

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23-01-2011, 06:28 PM   #5

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

good day all! welcome back PP, glad you had a fab time!
not long back in from a walk with the dog, we were out for about an hour, hopefully has tired him out quite a bit! had a wee run in with another dog owner .
ty is always on a lead when there are other dogs around and he's only let off when the coasts clear, he has issues staying away from other dogs, he is a very bouncy playful dog, never agressive, he is 3 years old but still acts like a pup! so took him a different route, which we have been on a few times and there has been no sigs of people at all, looks like a road which horse riders and farmers may use from time to time, with fields beside. we were on the way back and he was quite tired out, just about to turn a corner, when another couple and a dog on a leash appear. i had calmy shouted ty to come to me, which he did and i was quite surprised! then the other dog shot forward in a playful manner, so he then ran towards it before he got to me. OH went up and put him on a leash straight away and the woman mutters to me, you should keep your dog on a leash if he behaves like that!!
i was like, im on a deserted road and i was trying to put him on it, he just wanted to say hello. she then walked off muttering something! aaarghh people! was i in the wrong?? it doesnt seem fair to keep him on the leash when it was only us there, if i take him somewhere with other dogs i always keep him on it because i know some people dont like him going up to their dog. he has come very far from being the dog that would bolt halfway across a field to get to another dog, to me shouting him at a very close distance to another dog and he comes back to me.
other than that, just having a relaxing day!

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23-01-2011, 07:12 PM   #6

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

Hello all and PP welcome home.
Eileen your day sounds like mine went ona dogsey dog walk and managed to miss all 30 odd of them by the sounds of it my only claim to grace is Cannock chase is a massive place.
And Lynz no I do not think you are in the wrong, but some people keep aggresive or unsure dogs on lead and I myself dislike having a dog right in their dogs face. Do you know nayone with a dog who you could walk with to desensitize Ty frm the "wow another dog" dippy do's reaction LOL

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23-01-2011, 08:03 PM   #7

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

PP, glad your back safe and had a lovely time, looking foward to seeing your pics.
Eileen, what a day !!
Kazz, what a shame you missed the Dogsey walkers.
Angie, seedy cake sounds lovely
Hi Mags
Lynz i know what you mean, we have the same problem with Malaika. She is such a dogs dog and if we let her off she will run quite a distance to get to another dog, if she hasn't got too far we can sometimes get her back before she gets to it. Like you i usualy keep her on the lead untill i have checked out the area but inevitably once you let them off in a clear area a dog on a lead appears, it's s..s law.
I meet with a group of people once or twice a week in a local park and we all let our dogs off together.

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23-01-2011, 08:22 PM   #8

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

angie, i only have one friend with a dog and i wouldnt let ty near him, she took him off somebody she knew and has never really been socialised with other animals, he had one of her friends labradors by the face when they met
and my grans dog goes in the other room when he goes round! he is just far too excitable!

shelley, nice to know he isnt the only one, everybody elses dog seems so well behaved! he is terrible when he is on a leash and we walk past another dog, pulling like a maniac, its very embarassing aswell! its hard to keep up with the training as he's my mums dog, she did hire a behaviourist to come out and his behaviour has improved, but she hasnt kept up with his walking techniques so when he comes to me it can be a nightmare to take him out sometimes! we were told that when we saw another dog approaching, to sit him down and block his view of the dog until it passed, it was working for a bit but now its hard to get him even to sit!

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23-01-2011, 10:41 PM   #9

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

Went for dinner at Tibby's mums house. Played with him a lot and tickled his big belly. I had a dream last night that me and my mum both went and got kittens. Hope it comes true. Hope everyone is doing well.

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23-01-2011, 10:48 PM   #10

Re: Sleepy ol' Sunday

Lynz, perhaps your Mum could start again with basics like getting him to sit whilst another Dog goes past and rewarding him with food if he complies.
Malaika pulls towards other Dogs whilst on a lead and we are working on telling her to leave it and walk past. However sometimes if the other dog and owner want to socialise we let her. It's a difficult situation as i believe dogs should be allowed to socialise with their own species if appropriate.
Ty is only a young dog and it would be well worth keeping up with his training but i understand that's up to your Mum.

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