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angieh's Avatar
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19-12-2012, 02:11 PM   #1

Wet Wednesday

Afternoon everyone in Catseyland! Nasty wet and cold and getting worse according to the forecast.

We have been out to P@H as we didn't go earlier in the week and think we've got most things covered for the FFs and little foster girl for the Christmas period.

Popped into our local farmshop and bought a nice wreath for the front door and some veggies for a nice warming soup for tomorrow so we don't have to go out if the expected downpour arrives.

I hope everyone is safe, warm and dry. Keep eating those mincepies!!!

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yola's Avatar
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19-12-2012, 03:34 PM   #2

Re: Wet Wednesday

Hello Angie and all others!

Feeling a bit better today, slept better due to less coughing . . . Kazz, it's bronchitis

Piano tuner's been to tune my 1930s baby grand (don't think I'm minted or anything, I got it free from a 'piano adoption' website). He was impressed with it, and knows some people who might help repair the damaged veneer which was good news. Now waiting for a call from the movers who will be coming on Friday to relocate my upright to a new home

Then we went to Costco where Dominik was extremely helpful so apart from a few bits we are now sorted for Christmas. OH has come home from work feeling rubbish - he has similar to me - so if he's no better tomorrow it'll be off to the docs for him too.

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Kazz's Avatar
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19-12-2012, 06:47 PM   #3

Re: Wet Wednesday

Oh dear Yola I never saw you had been diagnosed with bronchitis I am sorry you must feel rough. You all sound well under the weather. I hope you all start to feel a bit better shortly and the boys don't get "it."

How nice Dominik was helpful....he's growing up.

Angie it sounds like you are "ready" as you can be. I assume it still all systems go.

The weather here is wet and windy off too work shortly. See you all tomorrow have a good night.

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Shelley123's Avatar
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19-12-2012, 10:11 PM   #4

Re: Wet Wednesday

evening all.
Yola , glad you are feeling better, you're piano sounds lovely, never heard of anyone adopting one before,lol
Angie, i've been making soup the last few days
Waves to Karen
Been shopping today and now finished the present shopping bit. Then it was straight out to visit a friend and then a lovely yoga session where we did a zen walk before a candle meditation.
Just found a Red Admiral butterfly on the kitchen windowsill, have given it some sugar water to tide it over until i can let it out tomorrow.

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