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angieh's Avatar
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13-12-2012, 12:10 PM   #1

Very Calm Thursday

Yes - it is here because I have a Vaughan Williams CD on at the moment and no other music makes relaxing so easy for me.

A nice day weather-wise, not too cold bits of blue and cloud, no wind. OH is off playing golf again today and I've got the washing machine on, and the dish-washer and I'm going to look at charity e-cards later.

Bangers, beans and chips for supper! Have a good day everyone!

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yola's Avatar
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13-12-2012, 05:00 PM   #2

Re: Very Calm Thursday

Bloody cough won't go away. Have a doctor's appointment on Monday morning as I need a new inhaler. Don't use one for a year and then hit it hard as soon as I have a chesty cough. Yuk.

OH did the school run today which enabled me to wash my hair 1st thing and the rest of the day has been spent editing BMW texts for my lovely German PR Agency client. It's work I enjoy and find easy so it's a joy to do. In between I have been baiting posters (anonymously) on our local news website.

Half an hour left to go in the office and then off to pick up the little ones. Sebi had his last piano lesson of the term today and also went to the panto with the school so he's going to be very full of beans!

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Shelley123's Avatar
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13-12-2012, 05:21 PM   #3

Re: Very Calm Thursday

hello Angie and yola.
My day hasn't been calm, well not this morning when i had two frights in quick succession. The first was when a neighbour knocked on our door early, she's found a badly injured cat in her garage and wondered if i knew who it belonged to. I wasn't sure but told her who i thought. I'm afraid i don't know the outcome but at least the cat found someone to help it.
The second fright came soon after as i was leaving for work, our drive was blocked by a police van and the policeman was just getting out. It's amazing what passed through my mind in such a short space of time. After telling me not to panic he said he'd come about the car, again i thought oh no but it turned out they are patrolling around and warning people not to leave their engines running in an unlocked car, ours was locked. By the time he left i was shaking.
Yola, it's great when you enjoy you're work, i usualy enjoy mine which is good because i certainly don't do it for the generous wage

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angieh's Avatar
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13-12-2012, 11:10 PM   #4

Re: Very Calm Thursday

Sorry your cough won't clear away Yola. Going to see GP is the best thing.

Shelley, those are two nasty frights and I'm sorry to hear about the poor cat. Good thing the police were only there to warn folk but they are like crows of ill luck and no-one likes them turning up on the doorstep.

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