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Kazz's Avatar
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09-12-2012, 08:54 AM   #1

Sunday Light up day

Well today is the day I am out putting up the outside Xmas lights.
Been out with Sal who was up and ready for her walk - go the papers on the way back.

I assume there is a quiz tomorrow? I will be there hopefuly not as stressful as last Monday for me.

The tree is up and it begining to look a lot like Christmas

Never got round to Christmas card writing however will do so today so watch the post this week coming.

See you later later just off for a browse round the board.

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09-12-2012, 09:10 AM   #2

Re: Sunday Light up day

Morning Kazz and all to follow.
First of all big hugs to you and Sal, Kazz, you are both in my thoughts xxx.
Had a hell of a time of things lately. Rayne has attacked a few dogs and snapped at the cats twice, any how took her to the vet for a check over and talked about whats been going on with her. Vet reckons that although there has been no outward signs of her IBD for a while, there is an inflamation flare up which may well be causing her to feel vulnerable and aggitated. So we have now had to increase her steriod dose for a while to help calm everything down within. Fingers crossed, although I hate her being on these things, it helps the situation.
Gear box went in the van last week, just before all the heavy snowfall. I cancelled what I couldnt walk to and asked my sister to squeeze a few more dogs into her van. It was a disater! She was then under too much pressure getting round all the dogs and it took me 6 hours to get to and walk 6 dogs in 3 houses. The following day while I was trudging through the blizzards (almost crying), my sister called, we arranged to meet and discuss the situation and devised a better plan, which worked much better thankfully.
Finally got the van back which has cost £900 to fix , still could have been worse.
Having a bit of a lazy day today, feel I need it. Got washing to catch up on and house work etc. Rayne will be relaxing too as we had a fun agility show yesterday where she ran better but still no prizes lol. I dont care though as she did look as if she was having fun and she didnt attack any thing other than horse poo.
Have a good day all.

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09-12-2012, 10:08 AM   #3

Re: Sunday Light up day

Blinking hell Elaine I feel guilty not checking up on you - when I take my eye off you all sorts of things happen.

Sorry to hear about Rayne sounds weird but likely I suspect that she was feelig rough I mean I snap when I am feeling poorly. Hope the steroids help.

Thanks for the hug - we are good though. Live for the moment.

How is G getting on?

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09-12-2012, 10:18 AM   #4

Re: Sunday Light up day

I know, I really should check in more often but life kinda takes over.....
Rayne can be a wee bit of a snapper at times but things really stepped up a notch and for her to snap at the cats was very out of character. When it first happened I was blaming G for feeding her titbits. What made the dog incidents worse was that my sister pannicked and started to scream, which only made things worse. She now thinks the dog is dangerous and am trying to explain to her that she gave Rayne the green light to attack by her actions. Laura (my good friend and agility trainer) are trying to get my sister to work with Rayne, maybe do some agility with her or something, to try to get her confidence back in the wee dog as well as help her with her handling skills for such events.

Have updated the thread about G.

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09-12-2012, 06:16 PM   #5

Re: Sunday Light up day

evening Elaine and Kazz,

Kazz, you will need to post pics of your tree and your outdoor lights.
Elaine, sorry to hear that Rayne has been snappy recently, i hope shes ok. Glad to hear you got the van fixed as well.

Ive been busy cleaning the house today as we are heading out tomorrow for the day to Edinburgh. Also making a roast for dinner which i haven't made in quite some times. Had my meat on for a couple of hours and making my roasties now after boiling them so hopefully it tastes good !! Got chocolate cake for dessert, yummy

Hope everyone is nice and warm at home tonight

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angieh's Avatar
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09-12-2012, 07:17 PM   #6

Re: Sunday Light up day

Evening all! OH, Monty and I have been out at our agility class Christmas do .......... out in the field, b****y freezing wind blowing up the valley. Only just beginning to thaw out. About to complete the thaw with a rum and ginger.

Looking forward to seeing a photo of the lights Kazz - I may cheat and post a snap of our local pub which is a bit OTT!

To answer your quiz question - I do believe that Shelley is planning to do a Christmas themed quiz tomorrow evening, if she's not been frozen on her weekend away with the kids.

Sorry to hear about Rayne Elaine. I hope the extra medication eases her - no easy thing for any of you to cope with.

Hope you enjoy your roast dinner Pamela.

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09-12-2012, 07:22 PM   #7

Re: Sunday Light up day

evening all.
Sorry to hear about you're problems Elaine, hope things improve soon.
Pamela hope you have a great time in Edinburgh tomorrow.
Karen , yes there is a quiz tomorrow 8.30 it will have a christmas theme.
I've had a lovely working weekend away at Tower wood, windermere. All the children enjoyed it as well as the staff.
We did quite a bit of sailing, eating, visiting adventure parks, eating, campfires and eating,lol. Roll on the next one in February.

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09-12-2012, 07:24 PM   #8

Re: Sunday Light up day

Hi Angie, as you can see i've not been frozen,lol.
We were lucky with the weather , it was cold but dry and nobody fell in lake windermere and that's always a good thing
Glad you enjoyed you're doggy christmas do and that you are thawing out nicely

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