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Catsey Junior
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31-12-2007, 04:42 PM   #1

do deworm your cats please...

Just want to share my story with you...

A year ago I found a ginger and white cat infront of my school . At first I just went by, I tought he belonged to someone but than we had a break and I went outside and he was still there. When he saw me he ran towards me. It was the 4th of December 2006 (yes, I still remember that date, I will never forget it) and it was very cold outside. He came to me and rubed at my feet and was purring soo loudly. His little ears were black from frostbite. I couldn't leave him outside anymore. So I picked him up and went in the school thinking what am i going to do with him. I found a box, went to the class and put him in the box on the flor at my desk. He didn't wanna stay there, he imediately jumped out and jumped on my knees and started purring again. i put him down again, but he was back in my lap in a second . So I tought well Ok, than I will have him on my lap than...But I was afraid that the teacher might see him cause than we would both be outside very fast
So when the teacher came into the class I just prayed that the cat wouldn't move. And he didn't. He slept through all the classes - a really good student
Than I had to go to the bus and home and he bahaved well al the time. My mother wasn't too happy when I told her I am bringing a cat home since we already had two cats. We agreed to give him away to somene. My mum said he doesn't even wanna see him. I bathed him, he was very dirty and fed him, gave him a litterbox. I kept him in a bathroom (spare one). When my mum came up he imediately greeted her with a purr and as soon as she sat down, he jumped on her lap. Mum said that she can't be with him cause she will get too atached. The next day after I came from school he was in the living room already
We bought him a streching post of his own, yap we were going to keep him. We went to a vet to have a checkup. They said he was healthy and we were to castrate him. He was 4 months old.
He was the cuddliest cat i have ever known, the ultimate lap cat. When I went to sleep he was sleeping with me, we sometimes "fought" for the pillow, he also liked to lay on his back so that I could pet his belly - he was a true baby
Unfortunately this story doesn't have a happy ending. i tought he was safe, no car will ever hit him, I will protect him and he wont be hungry anymore...But I made a mistake a big one, the one I am regreting and will regret for the rest of my life. I didn't give him a dewormer pill right away. I waited for too long, he wasn't showing any signs of having worms... I only gave him a dewormer pill as a preventative. And that should work, right? But it didn't and he died - just like that. He started to throw up worms, when I woke up I saw that but it was 5 am. I was looking for the vet on duty and called him, he said it was nothing urgent... He died and I am so angry at myself. maybe if I had given him that pill earlier, maybe it would help. Maybe if I had taken him to the vet than, but I didn't, maybe...
I know I will never forgive myself. He is the cat I will never ever forget, and I am so sorry but I can't bring him back to life.
We only had him for a little while - he died on the 27th of december - it was a holiday season, everyone celebrated but I couldn't. I remember what I did on new years eve . cried because he wasn't with us anymore, feeling guilty because I could have done more for him. Why didn't I give him that pill imediately? especially as he was so willing to eat it with food...
so please, if you have cats dont forget to deworm them! since he died I am giving my cats dewormers every 4 months (as instucted) so this can never happen again...
I only have some of his photos, one is taken with my mobi when he was in my lap at the school...
Sorry, I know it is new years eve, but I am so sad, thinking about him...

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31-12-2007, 04:49 PM   #2

Re: do deworm your cats please...

So sorry Miki - your story is certainly heartfelt and indeed should be taken very seriously by us all.

I am sorry for your pain at this festive time.

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31-12-2007, 04:53 PM   #3

Re: do deworm your cats please...

Oh what a sad story Miki but don't beat yourself up about it, you weren't to know that would happen, it wasn't your fault...

Just try to remember that you gave him love and comfort in those three weeks that you had him..

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31-12-2007, 05:03 PM   #4

Re: do deworm your cats please...

oh Miki, it is a sad story but as Mags says, you were there to give that kitty some love and warmth when he needed it the most. You loved him and fed him and gave him a happy time.

He will be with all the other special kitties looking down on you and thanking you for the time you were together.

Maybe in time you will be able to take another kitty that needs a warm and loving home. You sound the perfect cat-owner !

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Catsey Junior
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31-12-2007, 06:23 PM   #5

Re: do deworm your cats please...

Thanks everyone...

Here is his photo when he was on my lap at school...
We have two cats now, but they are more my mothers and they are not cuddly at all - still love them though...

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31-12-2007, 07:44 PM   #6

Re: do deworm your cats please...

oh what a sad story, but a little bit happy at the same time. If youhadn't found him he would still have died, but probably sooner and cold and alone. With you he had warmth and love, ifs and maybes are words that cause nothing but sorrow. Just think on how happy that little one was when he was with you ((hugs))

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31-12-2007, 07:46 PM   #7

Re: do deworm your cats please...

So sorry to hear your sad story. But you have reminded me to buy worming and fleaing treatments so thank you x

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31-12-2007, 09:41 PM   #8

Re: do deworm your cats please...

That is such a sad, touching story. But as others have pointed out, he was warm, fed and loved in his last days, which wouldn't have been without you. I hope you soon will be able to get another cat who'll be a little cuddlebug also...

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04-01-2008, 11:35 AM   #9

Re: do deworm your cats please...

Aww Miki, big hugs to you xxx
Please take some comfort from knowing that he died knowing that he was loved and cared for.
Taking in stray cats is so hard because you dont know whats going on with them or what their history is, you tried to do right by him and thats all any of us can do.

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Jac Jac is offline
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04-01-2008, 12:06 PM   #10

Re: do deworm your cats please...

Originally Posted by Elaine
Aww Miki, big hugs to you xxx
Please take some comfort from knowing that he died knowing that he was loved and cared for.
Taking in stray cats is so hard because you dont know whats going on with them or what their history is, you tried to do right by him and thats all any of us can do.
Wise words...
You did your best and that's anyone can ask for. Please dont beat yourself up.
At least he had time with you knowing love, warmth and happiness.

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