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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
19-03-2021, 08:56 AM   #1

Friday Daily

Good morning everyone,
it's just after 8pm here, after a warm day, but starting to get a bit windy now.Cats are still out on back lawn with Janna. They're happy cats tonight because their nice soft cat litter arrived today and is now in their litter boxes, thank goodness.

Went for another walk down to the river this afternoon and saw some baby ducks with their mother. On the way back, i met a woman I hadn't seen for a long time, walking her Newfoundland, Schooner. We used to walk together around the dog park with Willow and Schooner when I
first got Willow. Schooner is now coming up 15 and he's doing so well. She knows she is very lucky to still have him.He still loves his daily walk, although she doesn't go far with him, and he loves his food (and her food as well ).

Had the last of the mince for tea. I'm now totally over mince, after having it for 3 nights running. Gosh, it's so hard to know what to eat now, because I'm afraid of bringing on that dreadful nausea again. May just have fresh veges tomorrow.

PAMELA, I'm pleased that your car has now been picked up and someone is going to be using it again. i can see that it is a bit of a sad time for you though. It's like saying goodbye to an old friend, isn't it ?You must be relieved that your dad has now received his first covid vaccine. It seems a lot of people have a phobia about birds - perhaps it's the fluttering they make.I have a real phobia about those horrid giant moths .i get paranoid about lights being left on and doors to the outside being open, so they are attracted inside. If one does come in, I rush outside until it is caught.

SHELLEY, sounds as if you had lot of work on yesterday and last night The baby tears plant does look great and from a distance, it looks real. I'm not very good keeping house plants alive, I'm afraid. The only plant i have had that actually thrived was a large rubber tree plant that i had by the fireplace. It reached the ceiling. Unfortunately, during one of our big quakes, a large , heavy mirror smashed onto it and snapped it and then the whole wall came down on it, so I'm afraid that was the end of my beautiful rubber tree.

YOLA,, you'll be looking forward to your day off today. i hope you get some nice weather and are able to get out for a walk or cycle ride.No wonder you have a bird phobia after seeing that poor pigeon. You were only a wee girl and having feathers flying around you would have been so frightening.I think you are to be congratulated to even be feeding the wild birds outside. Good for you.

KAZZ, hope all is well with you, Gert and Mr Genghis Khan.

Well everyone, hope you all have a good Friday. Roll on the weekend.

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